Chapter 14: There's A Clue

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Soooo....How is everyone doing???

Okay. So I wanna know what is the first book that you guys have read of mine. I'm really curious. I want to see when you guys became Faithful Shifters :D <3

Does anyone remember Airplanes by B.o.B ft. Hayley Williams????

Well that was one of my junior high jams (I am a sophomore in college) and holy shit. It brings back so many summer memories. I'm all up in the memory feels right now haha.

Now. On with the story!



"I think I'm gonna throw up." Zane gagged as he stared at April's head.

"Man up." Colby scoffed as she removed the last towel off the head.

Zane gagged again and turned around.

Colby rolled her eyes. "Seriously?"

"Uh ya. It's all discolored and fucking nasty." He replied still facing the other way.

"Grow some balls." Colby said as Zylen tried to hold in her laugh.

"Anyway." Deacon laughed. "Is that the marking you were talking about?"

I nodded as he pointed to the dark color.

Deacon looked closer and sniffed.

"Dude!" Zane yelled as he looked like he was about to barf.

"You've killed rogues before. How does this gross you out?" Colby asked.

"Yes. But I don't chop their heads off and give them to people! I just bite their neck and that's that. Severed heads creep me out." He shivered in disgust.

Deacon rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the head. "It smells gross."

"Well duh!" Zane exclaimed and he pointed at it. "It's a fucking head."

I growled at him. "Easy. She was one of my best friends."

"Dumbass." Gabriel said to Zane.

"Yes I know Zane. But it's not the head that is giving off that smell. I think it's something else." Deacon suggested.

"Her head was cut off after she died." I explained.

Deacon looked surprised. "I think I might know what killed her."

"Really?" I asked shocked. "What do you think it is."

"Sulfur dioxide."

"Huh?" Zylen asked.

Deacon nodded. "You can get it from many different minerals."

"But how does that kill her?"

"When it combines with water, it forms into sulfuric acid."

"Acid rain." I whispered.

Deacon gave a small nod. "And because our bodies are mostly water, the outcome will most likely be death. April basically had acid rain in her lungs. And I'm betting they made her inhale it to guarantee she would die."

"So that explains the discoloring around her mouth." Gabriel said as he looked closer to the markings.

Deacon nodded. "Acid rain can cause extreme acidic tissue burns and acute pulmonary edema."

"Umm English please." Colby said confused.

"Uncontrollable leaking of bodily fluids from damaged surfaces." I spoke up.

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