7. Two Steps Back

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Ana looked up as Christian swooped in a planted a kiss on her lips. She gasped and pulled back "Christian. What are you doing?" she stood up moving away, he frowned not realizing why she was upset

"Ana why? What's wrong?"

"Christian, I said I would give hope for our future only an hour ago and now your kissing me? No you can't do that, I am not ready to go back to you fully. I want you around Teddy and I do miss you but it's too soon Christian, don't you understand?" Christian frowned as he looked to the sleeping infant in his arms. He didn't answer her this time.

"Look I have to go" she began collecting Teddy's diaper bag filling it and as she went to take Teddy from Christian he was reluctant to let him go arguing "Why does he have to go too ? There is a nursery upstairs. There is have plenty of room for the both of you"

"Christian I thought we were passed that? Look I need to go home and he has to be put to bed it's late, we both had a long day, can you please just respect my wishes instead of trying to start an argument?" she sighed Christian why did you have to ruin the calm she said as she waited for a reply but it was silent"Christian I told you, drop by tomorrow after work and you can see him then but I really should be going" she tried reasoning with him

"Then let Taylor take you home" he have in he wasn't getting anywhere with her especially with her newly found spirit. Christian called Taylor who had a car seat fitted into the back of the car he usually drove Christian in. He came and helped Ana out to the car as Christian kissed his son on the head and waved Ana off. She sat in the car as Taylor drove her home, he respected her silence he didn't bother asking questions tonight. She glanced from time to time to her sleeping son in the car seat next to her and then back out her side of the car watching the other cars as they drove by. She listened to the faint music playing as she sat back thinking. We were just nearly at the forgiving stage to becoming friends again and he goes ahead and kisses me. As much as I love Teddy I really wish he wasn't caught in the middle of this

"Ana" Taylor brought her from deep thought as she looked at him "Mr Grey wants me to help you up to your apartment tonight, I have a box of things for you" Ana nodded but was confused as to what Taylor had in the box. She scooped Teddy up and slung the diaper bag over her shoulder as she walked ahead of Taylor to open the door. He followed her in and placed the box on the kitchen table. He waited until she settled Teddy into bed before bidding her goodnight "Ana make sure you lock up, goodnight" he nodded as she waved at him. She locked the door after a few moments then her curiosity got the better of her she went to the table and pulled the box towards her. After taking the lid of she was met with a note


these are of no use to me as I have my own

just don't send them back, they are yours.

Christian x

She looked back into the box to find her apple laptop, iPad, car keys. On the car keys was a key chain of a picture of Christian and Teddy. He must of gotten some photo's done she smiled at how Teddy looked up at his father in this particular picture. She held it for a few moments before taking her things and putting them in her bedroom. She powered up the laptop to find it had the latest software on it so it could be used. Her desktop screen saver Christian changed to one of a sleeping Teddy and Christian lying on the sofa next to the fire. She powered up her email and began typing

From: Anastasia Grey

Subject: Laptop, iPad & Car Keys

Date: 1st August 2012 21:00

To:Christian Grey

Thank you for giving my things back, I didn't think you kept them that time I gave them back to you, I hardly recognised the box Taylor left here for me. I also noticed my key chain and screen saver is of pictures of you and Teddy together and I must say they are cute, especially the one of the two of you asleep on the sofa.

About my car did Taylor drop if off earlier when I was at your place ?

Anastasia Grey

She decided to play some music while she waited for a reply, she browsed the Internet looking up baby clothes and other essentials for Teddy even though Christian kept her well stocked with things for both of them. She checked her emails not surprised to find an instant reply

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Re:Laptop, iPad & Car Keys

Date: 1st August 2012 21:15

To:Anastasia Grey

I didn't need to throw them out, they belonged to you and it's your decision what you do with them. My mother took that photo with her camera, I hope you don't mind the key chain. Mia wanted one done and she got a few different ones done for a bargain as she likes to call batting your eyelids so she didn't have to pay.

About your car, yes Taylor did take it to your apartment earlier. I made sure it is up to date with tax and insurance, it has been serviced so it's safe for the road.

Why did you fight me earlier when I wanted you to stay?

Christian Grey, CEO, Grey Enterprise Holdings, Inc

She read that last part sighing to herself It's too soon she told herself. She was hesitant to reply, she knew he would keep annoying her with emails if she started a row with him

From: Anastasia Grey

Subject: Too Soon

Date: 1st August 2012 21:25

To:Christian Grey

I think the subject of this email will tell you why. We were in talks of repairing our relationship Christian, I can't just run back into your arms. I need time to think this through, what happened to walk before we run. I remember you told me that.

It's been a long day. I'm exhausted and Teddy wakes very early - Goodnight Christian

Anastasia Grey

She didn't bother waiting on a reply she just shut her laptop down and went to leave it on the kitchen table. As she locked her apartment up for the night, she went to check on Teddy. He was fast asleep wearing his new Moshi Monsters all in ones Mia had bought him. She kissed his little cheek before closing the door to his nursery and heading to bed.

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