Chapter 21

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New Jersey is our next stop.

There's not much in New Jersey, but we just decided to go there because it takes only three hours for New York, and they have six flags.

"Are we going to stay at a motel again?" I ask.
"Yep." Yes! I fist pump the air to myself. I hear the others chuckle.


"So, guys, ready for six flags?" Jen asks.

We're at the gates of six flags, about to enter. We all grin and shout out "So ready" in unison. Of course we got stares from people around us, but we didn't bother to care.


"Oo is our little Jordan here scared?" Aaron smirks.
"What? Psht.."
He rolled his eyes, "I'll hold your hand in the ride."
"Yeah cuz that make things so much better" I retort sarcastically.
"It should" he murmured.

After about a dozen rides, we decide to take a rest.

"Um I don't think it's a good idea to eat if we're going to go back on the rides" I tell cautiously as I see Matt and Dylan bringing a plate of fries. They just shrug, "Eh it's just fries."

Yeah right. Watch them double over while vomiting. And as always, I was right.

After a roller coaster ride, Matt and Dylan both rush to the bathroom and when they came out they looked exhausted. I couldn't help but throw a 'told you so' at their faces as I laughed evilly in my mind.

"Last ride of the night, the Ferris wheel" Brit declares. We all nod in agreement and stand in line. As I look at my friends, I see they're all paired up already. Normally I would pair up with Aliyah, but since her and Nate are dating now, I decided to let them be together. Plus, when they kiss on top of the Ferris wheel, I can say a big 'your welcome' to Aliyah.

So I partner up with Aaron.

As we get on, he's sitting opposite of me. The time is now 8:30 pm, the evening sky looking dark and mystic and pretty.

Aaron is staring at me.
"What?" I ask, raising my brows. He shakes his head and looks down. "No, really. What? Is something wrong?" I ask once again.
He shakes his head again. I move my hand upto his chin as I raise his face to meet mine.

"Look at me," I say. He's finally looking me in the eye, "What's bothering you?" He takes a deep breath, "I-" he paused, "I like you."

I freeze at those words.
I feel like time has stopped.
I feel like everything is still.
I feel like nothing is moving.
I feel like it's just the two of us in the world now.
And I freeze.
My breath hitches, and he doesn't let go of his gaze on me.

He's still staring at me, as I'm staring back at him with slightly wide eyes, and a shocked face.

We don't lose our gaze.
We stare at each other for what seems like forever.

"Say something," he whispers, breaking the silence. I gulp, do I like him?
Yes you do. A tiny voice in my head says.
I guess there's only one way to figure out now.
Kiss him. If there's a spark, I like him. If there's no spark, I don't like him. Go for it, the voice nags.

I decide to go for it, but before I can move a muscle, I see him leaning in closer. Closer, closer, and closer.

His soft lips meet mine. I close my eyes, savoring the moment. I kiss him back, softly, sweetly. And I feel an immediate spark.

I like him.


"Where to next?" Jake asks as we sit in the motel sitting area. "Last stop- Niagara Falls."

We all grin at the idea. I clap my hands excitedly. "When do we leave?"
"Tomorrow morning, after breakfast, 11 am." We all nod and after some more chit chat and planning and joking around, we disperse to our own rooms.

I quickly change into my pjs which is pink with unicorns all over them, and drift off to sleep.


"Rise and shine, munchkin!" Aaron yells in a girly voice. Well, attempts.

I can't even be annoyed at him for waking me up from my sleep because he already made me laugh with the girly voice. I sit up and rub my eyes, "What time is it?" I ask as I squint my eyes to adjust to the light. "9:40 am. Get ready, we need to leave for breakfast by 10:15 and finish it by 11 so we can start the drive to Niagara Falls." As soon as he mentions Niagara Falls, I jump and clap excitedly. "I'm so excited to see the Niagara Falls!"
"Same, in pictures it looks beautiful."
"I bet, in real life it looks much more than beautiful."

By 10:10 I'm mostly done getting ready.

I took a quick shower, and let my hair air dry for the most part.
My makeup is minimal as always. Pencil eye liner on my lower lash line, regular powder replacing face powder, and pink tinted Baby Lips.
Outfit is also picked. Today I decided to wear a half sleeve blouse which has unicorns on it, slightly tucked into jean shorts, and for shoes I chose my red converse.

In my small travel backpack, that I have been carrying since day one of our road trip, I have got all my necessities. Water bottle, oil blotting sheets, deodorant, hair ties, light makeup, chapsticks, a roll on perfume stick, my diary and a pen, a black pair of sunglasses, a Polaroid camera, films for my Polaroid, my phone charger, headphones/earphones, and of course, my phone.
Don't think I forgot about my girly necessities. They're in there, too.


"This is..." I shake my head, trying to find the right word to describe how beautiful Niagara Falls is, "jaw dropping-ly beautiful."

"So beautiful" my friends say along.


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