Chapter 1 - Day before(not edited)

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Picture of Kelly
"No I like the blue top that would show all my curves better don't you think?", Adriana said , my best friend she is also popular but I am not, I don't like the attention anyways, it was the day before school starts and my mom forced me out the house to go shopping. I don't like shopping, or going to parties but Adriana is the one who loves all these stuff. And this may seem like I am a tomboy but I am not
Yes u are Kelly stop fooling yourself

" What the fuck KELLY I have been waiting for your response like for 30 minutes now!!!!!", she yelled at my , I came back to reality , and I snap back at her; "Why the fuck don't u just take that pink top with the glitter on it jezzz!!". She didn't respond instead she took up the pink top and took up a ordinary jeans dress for me then she cashed it .

After shopping we just went the ice cream shop . " So .....u excited about tomorrow , it's our last year in high school then college u ready ", she said in a excited way , " No why would I be happy it's still school and I hate the people at school ", " What about Scott , I am dying to just be a seat from him again", "Seriously Adriana , u forget that I am not interested into players and plus , I can just bet the he has AIDS to the amount of girls , I heard he screwed with", I said in a harsh way . " He doesn't have AIDS stop assuming that he screwed a lot of girls , your right about the player part , but he did not screw a lot of girls that was just a rumour ", she said , while she licked the ice cream of her finger. " Well how was I supposed to know if he did it or not jeez ; like I know his life ", I said in the most annoying voice .

Later that day I was at home just watching television, has usually , I was really bored and hungry although I just ate a bucket of chicken. Ya I know and I ain't getting fat . Then I just called Oscar over so I can mess with him ( my bestfriend as a boy).
" Hey my lady bug , u needed me ", he said " Ya , I am so fucking bored and I don't know what to do !!!!!!", I said , " We can make a fashion show , like u dress up and model while I sit and judge u ", he said in a girly way.
I was dressed in a very tight blue dress and a high high heels, and he just sat in the sofa with his legs wide open , like he's gonna suck me right in . He has redish  hair , blue eyes and extremely deep dimples. Has I model he claps and lick his lips. Oh my god is he getting horny.

No he isn't stop flattering yourself

OK I continued and nth happened.

It was bed time ya I have a bed time anyway I am laying in my bed thinking about tomorrow and a little about Oscar. How he looked at me , I know we were best friends from we were little but I think I kinda like him now .
Anyway gone to sleep GOODNIGHT.

Hi readers this chapter boring bad but I had to inform u guys what's happening so that u can get an understanding. Continue reading like , love and comment . LOVE YA!!!!!.

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