Chapter 23-Wedding Day , suprises (not edited)

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Kelly POV
Today is the day , today is the day when I will be called Mrs Evans. Today is also the day when my little baby girl Paris will be meeting her father. I am soo happy and excited . I was getting dressed and then I heard that Josh moved to Hawaii and started a new life .......thank godddd. I only wish he committed suicide but it's not a big deal.

"Honey you look beautiful ", my mom said and then started crying

Here we go again

" Mom stop the crying I will always visit you and stuff.....", I said . My bridesmaids were here and ready . I was super excited then Oscar (PS you guys remember Oscar right ?......if not he is Kelly's best friend as a boy ), brought in Paris , she has my hair Scott's eye's ohhh is also had Scott's colour hair , she is beautiful.

"Wait until the wedding ceremony is over then you bring her in ", I said to Oscar

" Ready ", my dad said holding out his hand
" Ready ",I responded taking my father's hand

The music is playing everyone stands while I entered. My mom is crying my Aunty is smiling everyone and everything is just perfect . Oh my life is great .


" You may kiss the bride ", the pastor said . With that Scott grabbed me and French kissed me . The congregation clapped and some awww. Suddenly the door flew open . Oscar came in with Paris . Everyone was surprised, Scott looked really dumbfounded.
" Babe is that our baby ?", he asked

I nod and started kissing me more and he hugged the baby and took her . Everyone started clapping . We ran out the church and there were roses being thrown on us . My mom took Paris because Scott and I were going on our honey moon.

The End !!!!!!

"I am finished writing my autobiology ", I said
" Thank you Mrs Evans , I really appreciate it ", the young man said . I got up and went outside . Finally I am done with that book . Scott came up from behind and hugged me
" Kelly your finally done with the book , you wrote every detail in the book right ?",

"Ya I did I wrote exactly what happened in our love story",

" Mommyyyy!", shouted Paris and Steffon running to me

"Hey babies ", I said hugging them .
We all went in the car and went home .

Well I guess this is the end of this book . Love you all , thanks for your support . I'll be starting a new book soon !!!!!

LOVE YA!!!!!


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