Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I kept running.

Afraid to turn around I just kept going. Once you start running there is no turning back. Not for me anyway. You may ask yourself what is so terrifying to be running from. Shut this book and run far away as I am if you aren't ready for this. My story is far from the "perfect life". My name is Elena Winters and this is my not so perfect story.

"Elena get up! Elena! I want breakfast"

I opened my eyes to see my 4 year old brother jumping on my bed.

"Kade, I coming. Okay?"

His eyes lit up with happiness as I said those words. He jumped off my bed and ran though my bedroom door.

This is how my mornings usually are. My father was a firefighter. He was killed two years ago from trying to save two teenagers from a burning car. All three were killed in the accident. My mother became depressed. She began to heavily drink. She died from alcohol consumption six months after my fathers death. I, being 18 at the time, became the parent of my little brother.

I had a future. My junior year I sent in an application to Yale and I was accepted. When my parent died, my dreams did too.


"Coming, Kade."

I jumped put of bed and went to the kitchen.

"What do you want for breakfast," I asked already knowing the answer.
"Ice cream!"

"You can't have ice cream. What about pancakes?"

"You say that everyday."

"And I will keep on saying that."

I began making his pancakes when a knock came at the door. I looked through the peep hole and seen Mrs. Smith, Kade's babysitter.

"Hello, Mrs. Smith. I was just making some pancakes."

"Now Elena. You will be late for work. Go on. I will finish up here."

I got dressed, kissed Kade, and was out the door in a matter of seconds.

I worked at a local diner down the street from my apartment.

When I walked in a was greeted by my fellow workers.

"Hey Elena. You have tables 1 through 6," Susie told me.


I was almost done with my shift but I walked over to table 1. There was a handsome man about 20 years old.

"Hi I'm Elena. Can I get your order, sir," I asked

"Mhmm," he said looking at the menu, "what do you recommend?"

He looked up at me and his eyes widened.

"Everything is good here," I said not noticing his stare.

"Oh, um. Just give me this," he said pointing randomly to the menu.

"You're pointing at the diner's logo."

"Oh um. This is awkward. Just give me some coffee and some pancakes."

"Coming right up."

Jenny, a teenager working at the diner, ran over to me.

"He totally just checked you out! Like O-M-G," she said.

"I didn't notice."

"How did you not! He was like really staring at you."

Jenny was a sweet girl but she was the type of girl I avoided in high school. She started drama all of the time.

"E, get his number!"

"I am not," I told her walking over with tables 1's coffee.

"Here you go sir. Your food will be ready in a second."

I turned around when he said, "this is very random but may I have your number."

"I'm sorry but I can't give you my number. If you will excuse me."

"Jenny. I'm leaving. Can you cover my tables?"

"Of course," she said delighted.

I went to the back of the diner and got my things. I walked out of the diner when I seen a huge fight break loose.

"Touch my girlfriend again and your dead." The man walked away.

The other man was laying on the floor. He slowly stood up and he seen me.

"Look at you. You're pretty... Come with me," he grabbed my arms and began dragging me through the alley.

"No. Get your filthy hands off me."

"Shut up you brat. We're just going to have some fun."

"Uhhh," I heard as I fell to the ground.

I felt someone help me up. When I looked up he said, "how about that number"


Author's note

First off, thank you so much for clicking on my book. A couple of years ago I began writing this story. I got about eight chapters in and stopped. After rereading it a couple of days ago, I decided to see where I can go with this.

Secondly, please tell me what you think! This is the first book I have ever written. Any feedback on how vague something is or anything is very beneficial to me.

Elena Winters- Anna Kendrick
Brian Matthews- Dave Franco

Thank you all once again!


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