Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I wiped away the tears threatening to fall down my face and tried to find the game room. I heard Kade talking with someone and attempted to follow the voices.

"Beat you again!" I heard Kade say.

I turned the corner and found Kade talking with an older gentleman.

"Lena!" Kade said jumping into my arms.

"Hey buddy."

"This is Lucas. He's my new friend."

"Miss. Winters, pleasure to officially meet you. I am Mr. Matthews' driver. I drove you home the other night."

"Please call me Elena. Thank you for watching Kade," I say while messing up Kade's hair.

"He is a great kid. Would you like to see your room Mr. Kade," Lucas said to Kade.

"He called me mister, sissy," Kade said to me. Turning to Lucas he said, "yes sir. Night Lena."

Kade followed Lucas out the door and I was alone once again.


I eventually found my room and began unpacking. Someone had already put my clothes in the closet and drawers. I only had two boxes left. I picked one of them up and sat it on my bed. I opened it and found a bunch of pictures. The first one I pulled out was when Kade was first born. My mom was holding him while my dad and I looked over from her shoulder. I was 15 when Kade was born. In my parents eyes I was the "perfect age to baby sit." My dad was always at work and getting called out at all hours. My mom had a second shift job at the local hospital.

Once Kade was born she quit work. However, she didn't enjoy staying at home. Once I came home from school she would leave. I have took care of Kade ever since he was born. When dad died mom used the money we received in his burial and spent the rest in her "self medication." We had to move out of our house and into the apartment Kade and I use to live in. Every day I would come home and find new bottles in the trash. That's when Mrs. Smith came into the picture. She always loved Kade. The first time I came home I knew Kade could not stay with my mom anymore. Every morning I got Kade ready, dropped him off at Mrs. Smith's apartment, and rode the bus to school. That was my morning.

My afternoon was similar. After school I went to my job at the diner, rode the bus home, picked up Kade downstairs, and took care of my mom. One day I rode the bus because I left my uniform at home. I walked in the door and my mom was unresponsive. I called 911 and she was dead upon arrival. I called the diner and told them what happened. They understood my absence, said they were sorry for my loss, and told me to take as much time off that I needed. Kade was a little younger than 3 at the time and I had just turned 18 a couple weeks before making me his guardian.

I sat the picture on my dresser and wiped the tears from my eyes. I grab a couple more frames and placed them around the room. I pick up my dad's favorite baseball cap and put in on. I really miss him. If he were still here where would we be?

Before I know it I have emptied both boxes. I lay down on the bed.

"I like that look on you."

I quickly sit up from my bed and see Brian leaning against the door frame. I take the hat from my head and set it on my nightstand.

"It was my Dad's."

Brian walks over to the bed and sits down on the side of the bed.

"Are you okay," he says looking at me concerned.

"I was just going through some boxes and found some pictures. I really miss them," I say looking at my lap.

Brian puts his hand over mine and gently squeezes.

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