Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

My eyes gently fluttered open to an empty spot beside me. I looked over at my alarm clock. It was 8:26. I knew Brian was already home from work and would want to talk with me. However, I'm not sure I want to talk with him right now. I stood up from my bed and stretched. I walked to Kade's room and seen him in Brian's arms. Brian was swaying back and forth as if he was putting Kade to sleep. I looked at the two of them with an awe. I never knew Brian was so good with children. Kade eventually fell asleep and Brian sat him into his bed, tucked him in, and placed a slight kiss on his forehead.

"I promise to give you and your sister the best life that I can," I heard him whisper as he pushed Kade's hair out of his eyes.

Brian stood up and went to walk toward the door. I quickly walked back to my room and laid down on the bed. I'm not sure if I want to face Brian just yet. He is so confusing at times. One minute he is the perfect guy. He is sweet, caring, and so much more. Then the next thing I know he wants me to change myself. I close my eyes and act as if I'm asleep. Before I talk with him I need to know what to say.

I hear my door open slightly and feel a slight shift on my bed. I hand is slowly pushing my hair away from my face.

"I am the biggest idiot in the whole world. You are perfect just the way you are," Brian says with a slight chuckle, "Wow. I'm apologizing while you're asleep. I'm so sorry Lena. You deserve so much more than what I can give you."

The weight on my bed is lifted. I feel his breath on my face. He leans in placing his lips on my forehead. They linger there for a few minutes until he pulls away. A few seconds later, I hear the door shut. I lay there for a minute and think about what I just heard and felt. Before I know what I am doing, my hand is where Brian's lips were just on my forehead. A small smile creeps up on my face. That same smile is still present as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


I was awoken by the noise of laughter and running. As soon as I opened my door I seen Kade running as fast as he could down the hallway.

"Kade stop running before you hurt yourself," I yelled after him.

Brian jogged by after Kade, picked him up, and slung him over his shoulder laughing. Kade kept laughing and screaming to put him down. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight. Brian sat Kade on the ground and seen me laughing. He ran over to me and slung me over his shoulder.

"Brian, put me down this instant," I said laughing.

"Let's go out for breakfast today," Brian said to Kade.

Kade shook his head yes and ran towards his room to, I assume, get ready. Brian walked into my room and threw me on the bed.

"Oomph. Wow, thanks for the soft landing," I said as Brian sat down on the side of my bed.

"Can we talk?"

"Brian, do we have to do this right now?"

"Yes, Lena, we do. We can't put off our problems if this is going to work."

"Brian, what exactly is this?" I said motioning between us, "this is a deal. You get someone to take on your fancy dinners and show to your parents. I get a place to stay and to give Kade a better life. We can't get attached. I'm not getting hurt in the end of this."

I moved off the bed and walked over to the closet.

"Why can't you let anyone in? Why are you so stubborn? I'm trying my best to have a conversation with you and this is what I get."

An arm grabs my shoulder and turns me around.

"Why can't you even look at me? Talk to me!" Brian said with his voice rising.

"What do you want me to say? 'Oh, Brian hold me.' Im not the type of girl that will just fall into your arms."

"I don't want that! Can't you see that? I don't want other girls!"

"I thought we were going to breakfast," I quickly look over and see Kade with tears in his eyes.

"We are. Let me get ready and you and I will go. Then we can go see Mrs. Smith," I say walking over to Kade.

"Okay!" He says walking back toward him room.

"Lena, I'm sorry. I just-"

"Brian, not right now. I can't do this," I say grabbing the first thing in my closet and walking into the bathroom to get changed.

"I'm not going into work today. Once you drop off Kade come back here so we can talk."

I laid my head against the door and I stayed silent.

"Please. I just want to talk."

"Fine. Just please let me be right now," I tell him.

I hear footsteps descending from the door. I open the door and I'm on my way to get Kade.


Kade and I had a nice breakfast. I dropped him off at Mrs. Smith's and I'm on my way back to Brian's place.

I walk into the house and see Brian sitting in the living room. I walk over to him and sit down beside him.

"Lena, I'm sorry-" he starts as I raise my hand to stop him.

"I should be the one apologizing. Every time you go to have a conversation with me I start something."

"I just want you to know that I don't want you to change. I should had reworded what I said. I just want you to have the best things- Kade too. You guys are here now and I just want you guys to be happy."

"I'm sorry for going off on you. I can tell you're trying."

"How about we start over?"

"I'd like that," I say smiling at him.

He stuck out his hand while saying, "Hello pretty lady. I'm Brian Matthews."

"Elena Winters," I said shaking his hand.

Maybe this won't be so bad.


Authors note

Hey readers! This was my favorite chapter to write thus far. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What will happen with Elena and Brian's new friendship?

Elena Winters- Anna Kendrick
Brian Matthews- Dave Franco


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