Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I decided to walk down the street to the park to watch Kade.

"Ophf." I said as I fell to the ground.

"I am so sorry. I should watch where I am walking," I told the person I ran into.

"Elena, we really should stop meeting like this"

I looked up and there was Brian Matthews.

"I would rather we not meet again at all. Now if you will excuse me," I quickly walked around him.

"Now Elena, I know you don't mean that." Brian said as he grabbed my hand.

"Oh, I do." I yanked my hand back and kept walking.

"What did I do to make you hate me."

"You are just another guy. Just like the rest of them."

"I can show you I'm different if you give me a chance." Brian said stopping me again.

"No. Now Mr. Matthews I need to go see my son."

"You have a son?"

"Yes. Now if you will excuse me."

"Can I meet him?"

"No you cannot. Now let me..." I was cut off by

"Let me meet him and if he does not like me I will be out of your life for good."

I thought about that for a few minutes.


Brian smiled and kept walking beside me.


"His name is Kade by the way," I told Brian.

"Elena!" Kade said as he ran toward me.

"Hey Buddy. This is Brian and he wanted to meet you."

"Hi. I'm 4," Kade said to Brian holding up five fingers.

Brian slowly pushed one finger down, smiled, and said, "there you go."

Kade looked at his hand and then smiled.

"I like you. Want to play?"

"Sure," Brian said.

Kade grabbed his hand and pulled him to the playground.

Brian's POV

Son? She seems too young to have a son.

"Do you like my sister?" Kade asked snapping me away from my thoughts.


"Mommy and Daddy died. I don't remember them much but at least I still have Elena."

I looked at this kid in front of me. He was four years old and smarter than any four year old I had ever met.

"Can you get me some ice cream?"

I looked over at Elena. She was talking to an older woman. She was beautiful. Her brown hair was curled softly down to about the middle of her back. She had green eyes that changed to a dark blue. I had no idea how she didn't have a boyfriend. The older woman smiled and walked away.

"Let's ask your sister."

I walked over to Elena and said, "so your brother wants some ice cream. Is he allowed to have some?"

Elena looked at me. "He is my son in a way. I wasn't lying."

"I know. He told me. He is very smart for his age."

"They say I can't provide for him like other families could. They want to take him away from me." Elena said looking straight ahead.

Her eyes widened with shock. "Here I am telling this to a man I met yesterday. What am I thinking? I'm sorry. I really should be going."

I softly grabbed her hand, "how about that ice cream?"

Kade, Elena and I walked to the closest ice cream stand. Kade and Elena ordered and she went to grab her purse.

"My treat," I said handing the money to the cashier.

"Why are you being so nice? I don't understand." Elena whispered as we walked away.

"You do not know me," I told her.

"Well Kade, it was a pleasure in meeting you but I need to get back to work."

"Really? Do you have to leave Brian?" Kade asked me quickly.

"I'm sorry buddy. I will see you again soon."

I walked over to Elena and whispered, "call if you want to know more about me."

I waved to Kade and walked away.

Elena's POV

How dare he walk away like that. This Brian Matthews is really getting on my nerves.

"Elena, I like him." Kade said.

If he brings Kade happiness that's all that matters.

"Good. I'm sure you will see him again."

Kade stood up and said he was ready to go.

"How was your day with Mrs. Smith?" I asked.

"Good I guess. I just wished you were home more."

"I know. Me too."

We finally arrived to our apartment. It wasn't much but it was a place to call home.

"Elena, I'm sleepy."

"Okay buddy. Let's go to bed."

I picked Kade up and took him to his room. I laid him down and he was already asleep. I kissed his forehead and walked into the living space.

The phone began to ring.


"Elena it's Brian. Can I please come and talk to you tonight?"

"Why should I say yes."

"I'm trying to do everything I can to make you see I am different but you still don't see it do you?"

"I'm sorry. I have had a ton of heartbreaks and I don't allow myself to get close to others." I mentally slapped myself for saying that. My mouth doesn't seem to shut around him. "Fine you can come over but don't expect much."

I gave him the address and hung up.

"I'm glad I just cleaned"


Author's note

Hello readers! Thank you for reading another chapter!

Elena Winters- Anna Kendrick
Brian Matthews- Dave Franco


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