I'm a rapper. Get at me.

45 7 4

You're a fine dime

Waiting for the perfect time

To get some shit off your mind

Get rid of dirt and of grime

That's polluting your thoughts

You were confused for so long

But you brushed it all off

lost in your blind faith in God

You wonder why broads are cruel

Why the young are such fools

Or why we work like we're mules

Yet we can't afford school

Slow and steady wins the race

But it won't get you first place

Because this world is too fast paced

Laced with sin and disgrace

And you can't yet explain

Why the people want fame

Why the good feel such pain

And the innocent get blamed

Why the stars are hand picked

Or why we can't heal the sick

Why we solve things with fists

Or if love even exists

So many questions unheard

And lessons unlearned

Pages unturned

And bridges not burned

You're a fine dime

And your purpose is undefined

So you seek peace of mind

Before your sanity unwinds

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