a little piece of me - 21

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"Don't dwell on the past,

but don't move too fast.

Just live in the moment,

and make our love last."

Wise words worth telling to you,

Words everyone should be happy to use.

Right now they describe exactly how I feel,

I just really hope this love is real.

I know we've had our issues,

sometimes things just went wrong,

but one thing I can say,

is that I've loved you all along.

I was willing to make it work,

you and me both did,

but sometimes we disagreed,

and our ideas just didn't fit.

We would have our arguements,

but they never lasted too long,

and I can honestly say,

our love has come out strong.

There was cheating and lying,

and the occasional fight,

and we'd sit up just thinking,

all through the night.

We would sit there and reminisce,

and we'd realize love's tough.

But when it's true love,

you'd never give it up.

Yeah, love is hard,

and it might get you into trouble,

but when you find the one for you,

love is worth the struggle.

I feel that I've found love,

right in your arms.

I've fallen for you as a person,

and not just your charms.

I've fallen for your caring side,

you're funny one too.

I've fallen for every little thing,

that makes up You.

So let's make promises forever,

and disappointments never.

Let's forget all our troubles,

and live happily together.

A little piece of meWhere stories live. Discover now