Chapter 3: Infiltration

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Kisame and Itachi sat there in the wide empty room. Listening attentively to their leader, Pein. The vacant walls hollowed whispers of regret and darkness each Akatsuki members held inside. If you think about it, every Akatsuki member has a dark, depressing dejection inside. They all went through some hardships. They each have their own story, and you could only notice it in some of their eyes. Especially the Uchiha. His piercing eyes holds the deepest pain, as he was known the man who destroyed his own clan, and his family. That, is the darkest pain you could only notice if you stared deep, I mean, really deep. The Uchiha hid all of that inside and showed hatred, and ice cold feelings towards his village. Probably, Kisame could find that pain inside the young man's eyes.

"You have to infiltrate to the Leaf Village. I know you've done this before. But this time, no mistakes. Take the boy immediatly. We need his power. He and a few others are left for our consumption. Once it's all done, we have finished the first step of our objective. So, tread carefully and don't cause too much attention. I will give you 3 days to find him. If you haven't by then, and Zetzu has confirmed your irretrievable breakdown of the infiltration, you are to report back. There is no need to stay there. You may catch some attention. 3 days and that's it. I am expecting something from you both."
Pein explained thoroughly. His eyes stern and sharp. Itachi and Kisame agreed to their leader and headed out the door.

"I'm gonna get my things. I'll be back." Itachi calmly said with his stoic, sharp voice. Kisame smirked and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms and waiting for his partner.

"Try not to use, that..." Kisame suggested as Itachi stood before him ready to go. "Oh there's no need to use my mangekyuo sharingan." He assured the shark man. Kisame chuckled to himself and gestured Itachi to the door. He politely went after the young man and smirked as he sealed the entrance shut.

They headed off back to the Leaf like yesterday. The village still alive and shaking. Itachi's got a lot of nerve. He quietly plans his infiltration with Kisame. They quietly walk in the village. Passing all the stores and their eyes wandering through everyone. They both didn't mind quietly walking through the loud city and not interacting towards each other.

"Kisame.. this way." Itachi said firmly. Kisame looked up at the store Itachi was caving in. It was a hardware, accessory store. Filled with things from tools for fighting to simple jewelry, vases, and home decorations. Kisame who was puzzled, followed Itachi.

"Why here Itachi?.." The older man asked. "We can't look like we're wandering around this village. We have to look like tourists visiting an unfamiliar village." Itachi explained calmly. He stood in the aisle holding a tiny, cute piggy jar. It was white and shiny. Kisame stood next to him glancing down at the young man. Kisame smirked to himself.

"Trust me...." Itachi assured beautifully with his head up, staring at the taller man. His Sharingan was activated a while ago. Kisame didn't notice until Itachi looked up at him. He looked, hot. Kisame had chills striking down his broad back. Damn, this man was gonna leave Kisame aching. For sure. Itachi assured him and glanced up at him. Today might be just another good day.

Itachi smirked at Kisame. His eyes held most of his emotions than his smirk. His eyes seemed to hold something to himself. They both appeared to be having some sort of secretive feelings towards each other.

*Kisame POV*

"That smirk he gave me.." I thought to myself as I felt the moment last for hours. In a quick second, Itachi moved his head down and walked away from me. He seemed to be heading to the aisle filled with sweets. I watched him from afar. His black, silky thick hair that never seemed to have a single split end. His smooth neck I could see just moving my eyes lower to him. I moved towards him as he glanced at the fridge filled with Japanese sweets.

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