Chapter 6: The Impetus

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"Itachi..Itachi...? Hey Itachi.." faint sounds of loud whispers peaked through the young man's ear. Itachi woke from a dream of Sasuke.

He found Kisame's face about 20 inches away from his face. It wasn't close. But closer than usual. Itachi's eyes widened. With pupils small from the drugs and unfocused, Itachi placed his hand on the man's shoulder. He pushed himself up by holding onto Kisame. Not in any sexual way of course. Kisame felt his groin sting with pleasure. It was lovely the way his younger partner's smooth, elegant hand gripped his shoulder. Kisame immediatly erased such thoughts and noticed Itachi acting a little strange.

He was probably doped on his medication. They were really rough I mean, Itachi has a very deadly unknown illness afterall. Kisame felt pain in his eyes watching the beautiful Uchiha suffering. It wasn't meant to be this way. He felt worried now. Since all the other Akatsuki members were dead, he feared Itachi may be next before him. Kisame shrugged off his thoughts and wanted to wish them all away. Maybe, just maybe, being with Itachi might help ease those worries. Who knows.

"Kisame.." Itachi whispered and stared at the man. Kisame switched the dim lamp on before waking the young man. "Yes..?" Kisame asked with so much deep concern. He was unfeigned.

"What made you come here..?" Itachi asked gently. He was far too stoned to overreact. Not that he ever did.

"We usually have tea together at this time and I thought you wanted some. I didn't want to drink alone." Kisame giggled. Itachi smiled. He smiled. "Let's go.." He quietly spoke through his lips.

Itachi slowly got up. "Let me help you.." Kisame said as he held onto Itachi's wrist. "I'm fine.. Kisame.." Itachi quickly said. Kisame let his grasp of the beautiful man away and watched as he slowly got out of his bed. His hair flowing down his toned, feminine back, and gently touching his v neck shirt. He was so womanly. It was scary.

Itachi headed straight to his mirror and tied his hair back. Kisame watched as his silky, long, deep black hair was combed through. Itachi caught him staring and looked away. He didn't care.

"Finished?" Kisame asked in a smirk. It seems Itachi always had to do something before going anywhere. Even heading to the kitchen to get some tea, he had to tie his hair. Kisame loved that about Itachi. It was adorably amusing.

Itachi nodded and Kisame opened the door for him. He followed the Uchiha down the stairwell and in silence, they took the dark, mahogany floor hall that lead to the kitchen.

Itachi took a seat on a stool near the counter. Kisame opened the cabinet and started making some green tea. Itachi stole a glance at his partner stumbling on how much tea they want.

As the tea was heating up, Kisame stole a seat next to Itachi. I gotta say, the younger man looked absolutely cute right out of bed. His eyes were adorably puffy and his cheeks were red from the medicine. And probably just from sleeping too much.

"Sasuke.. I need to prepare my battle with him. The time has come, Kisame.." Itachi quietly spoke. His eyes looked sad. Kisame gingerly placed his hand on the man's wrist and said, "If you need any help. Let me know." Itachi moved his head up towards the blue skinned man. "Thank you, Kisame.." He smiled and placed his other hand above Kisame's hand that was above his hand. Kisame smiled genuinly and noticed the tea squealing. It was ready.

He poured the two cups and placed them on the counter in front of Itachi. Itachi smiled again. He smiled at Kisame, again. No way.

Itachi slowly got up and the cling of his necklace made a gentle sound. He headed to a taller cabinet and took out a bottle of Sake.

(Itachi X Kisame) "When I Go"Where stories live. Discover now