
16 3 1

 I ran home with tears streaming from my eyes. I knew it was useless to cry because no one cared, but I cried anyways. I had always been the sensitive one, out of my 4 siblings (all brothers) but I had never imagined that anything could hurt as much as this. I knew there only one solution. One way to make myself feel better. It had to be done. I ran straight into my bathroom, and tore off my vest. I rolled up my sleeves and stared into the mirror at that horrible excuse of a human being. My face was blotchy and red, with scars covering every inch of my arms. Except for the area around my pulse. I always saved that spot for a special occasion. 

I carefully open up the case and unwrapped the countless layers of fabric around the knife. I counted all of my flaws one by one, and cut my face every time I listed one. By the time I was finished I looked as if I had just taken a shower with blood. I could barely see out of the streams of blood slowly making it's way down my face. I began to feel a bit faint and knew it wouldn't be long before I would collapse. Between my dizziness and my lack of sight, I didn't know where my arm was. It took me a few swings but I found my arm. I grabbed it and it slipped out of my grip. I grabbed again, and tilted it up to the light. I raised my knife, and Jordan grabbed my arm. "NO!" He screams at me. I wrench my arm from his grip, and let out a scream of rage. He suddenly looks a little scared. Isabel is hiding behind him. 

"Emma?" She says in a quiet voice. "W-what are you doing?"  Before I can answer her Jordan grabs my knife and tries to pull it away from me. It's tug of war and he's going to win. But, I can have one last attempt, right? I pull it towards my arm acting like I'm going to stab my pulse, and he twists the knife the other way. Perfect. I let go and he's caught, by surprise. Everythings seems to go in slow motion. He falls back against the bathroom cabinet and puts his arms out to stop himself. He's still holding the knife. Jordan's arms flail around in the air. I bend a little closer to him. His arm waves through the air, and catches me in the stomach. Not exactly where I wanted it to go, but it'll work just as fine. More blood pours out, and that's enough to make me fall faint. My eyes roll into my head, and I fall. 

It feels like I've fallen into a pool of some thick, black substance. Above me is a shining light. Like the sun. Except this light is cold. Very cold. I keep sinking and sinking. Jordan and Isabel's shouts of "Emma! Emma!" are getting fainter. It's quite peaceful here. I know I'm not dead, simply unconscious, but still. I meet a few other people on my way down. A few say they're in a coma, others had head trauma. But, when I approached a few people, they simply did a little somersault in the "water" and shouted gleefully. My first question had been of course, where were we? Everybody who would talk to me replied Lost. Some people would try swimming to the top of this substance only to sink a few feet away. I was told very few ever made it to the top. When I asked why people would try to go back, they looked at me as if I was mad and replied "To return to those who love them of course." Then I asked what that substance was. They replied empty space. They said we were in the space between Life and Death. We were Lost. I asked why some people were so happy, and they replied, "They are -- "

They were cut off by a sudden shocking feel that was racing through me. I mean literally. I could hear voices shouting. 

"Clear!" Another shock. "Her temp is rising too fast get me some-" He was cut off by another voice:

"You have to let us see her. It's my fault, I have to apologize!" Jordan was screaming.

Then Isabel started screaming next to him. She was clearly furious. "SHE'S BEEN MY BEST FRIEND SINCE I WAS 2 YEARS OLD AND I STOLE HER COOKIE NOW LET ME IN OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL GRAB THAT MONITOR AND SHOVE IT UP DOWN YOUR THROAT THEN GRAB THAT KNIFE AND STAB YOU FOR EVERY TIME YOU HAVE TOLD ME NO! Now please let me in." She says the last part with strained kindness. 

Oh no, I think to myself. What a mess this will be. 

Hey guys. How did ya like that chapter? ;) Every time I write new chapter it seems to have a cliffhanger in it. I guess I have a talent. Anyway make sure to vote on this chapter and follow me. I apologize for the slow chapters. That is entirely my fault. See ya next time! 

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