chapter 7

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I waited near the bench for Caleb at the end of the school day. It was now half past, maybe he had left me... Could I get to the Jacksons house by myself? I was sure to get lost. He had said he would take me home but that had been in front of his mum. I knew I wasn't wanted but does he really hate me that much though. The Katmyre's children had hated me that much. They had been my first family I was foster into and during the time I had been left behind at school quite a few times due to their children telling me to wait and they usually just left. I was nothing more to them as a way to look good in front of the family's friends and revenue. This proved how true mums words were and everything about me. I was better off dead and many people through out my life had told me just that. I was never meant to happen, a mistake. My mother hadn't even bothered to name me instead Noah had. I was evidence of an affair that was barely covered up. If it hadn't been for Tim taking mum in again more questions would have been asked.

It was 4:05 before a stumbling figure walked out. The males hair was tossed in all directions and his eyes were bloodshot.
"Why are you still here?" he said stumbling. I reached out my hand to stable him. Fearing I would not be able to support his weight should he stumble and break something I guided him down to the bench. He reaked of alcohol as though it was seeping out of all his pores. He would not be able to walk by himself for awhile. We had to be home soon otherwise Ms Jackson would worry. But Caleb would be in trouble if he came home like this. My first problem was getting home then what I can do to get him out of trouble. Using all my strength I half dragged him and he half walked in the direction that I think was home.
"I have come to the conclusion life is shitty!" Caleb announced as we were walking.
"Want to know why?" I didn't respond but he continued on with his drunk rant, "Everything is fine one day until bam life slaps you in the face with a whole lot of things that aren't your fault. Oh... But it doesn't stop there  people muck around pretending to care, act artificial and  then they place all the blame on  you when life becomes messed up. When you finally explode, people stick a mental illness label on you and hand you a bottle of pills and say good luck with life. How screwed up are we?"

His rambling didn't stop there and for someone who hated me he was sharing a lot of personal information.
"Steph and Zac had been cheating on each other. I had not known either. When Steph found out however she broke up with him only to fuck him the next day in our living room couch." Mentally I made a note to try and stay away from the lounges after the lovely image Caleb had placed in my head. "Yet she blamed me for not telling her something I had no fucking clue about and believed it was my fault Zac cheated. She and dad already blamed me for the divorce why not chuck that on as well. It was definitely my fault dad was cheating. Zac who I had known since we were in the sandpit in kindergarten also blamed me for being related to that fucking dumb bitch. They both ignored me for 3 months still mind you, fucking each other the whole time. Yet it was my fault. Even during their crap there was  Alex's drug problem and I was the only one who knew about that too. It nearly cost him his soccer dream had I not interfered. To this day not a thank you no nothing. To top that off mum through in a she is getting married. When I exploded in front of everyone they just thought it was about the wedding. I did not really give a fuck at this stage so I did not bother to correct them. Instead they told me I had board line personality disorder and that was it." I stumbled a bit carrying his weight.

" You know Violet you aren't as bad as I thought. Not a lot of people give a fuck these days but you either do or you have some other motive. But I am just going to believe even if we didn't know each other you would be someone to help out anyone in need. That brings me to another why stay silent? There are plenty of reasons to talk and enjoy life to the fullest yet you chose silence..." I continued to stumble into his street and to his house.

Two houses before the house Caleb spoke again. "Knock on number 22. I need to get sober somewhat before mum sees me." Complying with his request I knocked. From inside I could hear a dog yapping and then feet shuffling to the door. The door opened showing a older lady with her Australian Silky Terrier in her arms.
"What have you done now boy," she said with a grin.
" Hello Ms Conner. Good to see you to," Caleb replied grinning,"I need to sober up a bit before mum sees me."
"Caly what am I going to do with you?" She chuckled. She opened the door wide letting us in. Only just taking notice of me she asked who I was.  Her house was pokey and had various painting of different landscapes on every wall. Caleb directed me to the dining room as I helped him there.
"So Violet is it?" I just nodded as she got some ice cold water for Caleb and I, " how are you liking it here?" I just shrugged but I didn't want to be rude so I looked to Caleb to tell her. "She is mute." He stated bluntly. She just nodded with her wise eyes on me. Before handing over the drinks she put some leafy tea stuff in Caleb's. He didn't seem fazed by it and just drank it. Ms Conner must have seen me staring and explained it was to make home sober.  Ms Conner and Caleb made conversation between themselves while I just looked on. As it was time to leave Ms Conner assured them both that she would explain to Ms Jackson that they were at her house helping out and lost track of time.

As we both walked up to the door, "Ignore Steph. She can't help being a bitch she is simply a product of her experiences." was all he said before turning the handle.

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