Chapter 8

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Fatigue was my biggest problem at the moment after supporting Caleb's weight all the way home his words did not even register until the door was opened. We followed the noises into the lounge room to find everyone including Zac and Stephanie.
" Where have you two been?" Ms Jackson asked with worry etched over her face. I had only been here a couple of days and I was causing worry. Next thing I know I will be made to move again.
"We were helping out Ms Conner." Caleb said with a shrug.
She just nodded and went into the kitchen. Zac walked stood up and walked over to where Caleb and I was standing leaving Steph half way through a conversation. Steph had blonde hair up to her shoulder blade along with beautifully tanned skin and she reminded me of a mermaid from the stories except for her glare which was directed in my direction. No longer having any attention her she got up and went to her room. Zac gave me a nod before Caleb and he went to play PlayStation. Being the only one left in the room I climbed the stair to where my room was. Once in my room the exhaustion hit me like a brick wall and I flopped on my bed and pretty soon my eyelids grew to heavy and closed on their own accord.

"V, Noah was my friend. He trusted me with you and he always wanted us to be together. He has only been gone two months he would want us like this. Please I am sorry. Nothing happened with Stacey. I will make it up to you."

Tears streaming down my face I gulped,"This is not the first time Tyler and we both know it and the only reason nothing happened was because I accidentally walked in. I trusted you Ty and so did Noah. Looks like we all were wrong. I can't do this anymore Tyler we have changed. Noah would have wanted us to stay together if we were unhappy. Sydney or Macy or whatever her name was is not going to be the last, you will just find another then come crawling back for forgiveness. We aren't not good for each other we may have been at one point but not anymore. Good bye Ty."

"Violet, please! Noah would have been here if you were never out to begin with or are we going to forget all about the countless times you disappeared. You are the closed off one no matter how hard I tried and even Noah tried you still never let us in completely. You changed us. We were perfect until a couple months ago. I think in the end you disappointed Noah the most. You were the one to destroy his family and yet he took you under his wing. The least you could do for me and Noah is try and make this work. I love you." He said with tear building in his eyes.

"Ty, I can't do this anymore," I whispered closing the door with the last moment seeing his tears finally falling. Without any more thought I drove to the cemetery to visit Noah.

If I lay here if I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world. My phone rang. The song was my ringtone for Tyler so I hung up.

"Oi mum said I had to come get you, dinner is ready." I heard as someone shook me. My eyes sprang open to look at the person. Caleb turned around heading to the door without saying anything else. I got up and went to the bathroom my cheeks they were tear stained and as the cool water hit my face they were washed away down the drain. I wished partly wished the dream would go with it down the drain. But I knew this wasn't a dream instead a memory. If I had only answered the phone. Not wanting to keep everyone waiting I headed down to dinner. Had Caleb seen the tears and left so I would not feel embarrassed? Or had he just wanted to get away from me and eat dinner? Not knowing the answer to those questions I filed them away for later and entered the dining room.

Everyone turned to me as I stepped in the doorway. Zac realising there wasn't enough room moved over to allow room for me next to him. Stephanie glared at me with a look that could kill. Why did she hate me already? I know by now in my life I am not special and most people end up hating me so I should not be that surprised.

Breaking the silence Mr Jackson announced that Ms Jackson's brothers family was coming to stay with us. That sparked conversation between everyone well except me around the table. Alex grinned at me he had gotten home when I was asleep and still was in his soccer gear. He was seated across from me with Caleb beside him. On the other side of Zac was Steph and Mr and Ms Jackson were at either end of the table.

Zac turned,"Did you have an exciting day?" In response I just gave a smile and a slight shake of my head. "I think you will like May Caleb's cousin she is hilarious. You guys will be great friends I bet." He added. Everyone else was engrossed in their own conversations and only I saw Stephanie's evil looks she was giving me. I just ignored her  people had been worse to me a couple dirty looks were nothing.

"I head this joke would you like to hear it?" Zac asked, I nodded for him to continue. "How does the man on the moon cut his hair?" I shrugged. "He eclipse it," he laughed at his own joke and I just smiled.

"Okay. Okay. Here is another one," he said still chuckling, "there was two goldfish in a tank. One said, you man the gun while I drive." All I did was smile and shake my head.

Steph cleared her throat and announced that she had brought dessert and asked me for help. A bit skeptical I stood up. "I can help you Steph." Caleb said also eyeing her skeptically. "No it's okay. I want to get to know V anyway." She scoffed. Ms J was delighted to hear this and beamed. She clearly wanted me to fit in and was oblivious to Stephanie's obvious hatred towards me. I looked to Caleb with panic and he insisted to help but Ms J said that two people is enough and her word was final. I felt as though Caleb was the only one on my side and truly seeing Stephanie's motives. Alex just looked plain confused at Caleb helping me out but did not really seem as worried as Caleb. All I could hear was Steph's shoe clacking against the tile on the way to the kitchen until we were alone and she turned to me.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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