Chapter Eleven: Jealousy And Help

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Chapter Eleven: Jealousy And Help

(Y/N) went to school the next day wearing the bracelets Gohan had given her the day before. Everyone noticed it. Especially Videl.

She stormed up to (Y/N) and demanded, "Who gave you that?"

"Do I have to report everything that happens to me to you?" (Y/N) said, rolling her eyes.

"Just tell me where you got those from!"

"Why? Are you jealous?"

Videl turned into a nasty shade of red and screamed, "Just answer me!"

"Gohan gave them to me," (Y/N) said coolly with a smirk on her lips.

"What?! You're lying!"

"Oh yeah? If you think I'm lying, go call him up to ask him."

Videl glared at (Y/N) and said, "You'd better watch your back. If you do anything funny with him, you'll regret it."

She gave one last icy glare before storming off in a pique of anger.


In English class, (Y/N) did not see Gohan anywhere.

Maybe he's late, she thought.

But he never showed up gor the rest of the lesson.

"Class, today's homework is to complete a worksheet I will br giving out," Mr Roberts said as he passed around the assignment.

(Y/N) raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss (L/N)?" he said.

"Sir, Gohan isn't in school today," she said.

"I see," Mr Roberts said, "Then could you pass his assignment to him on my behalf?"

"Okay," she answered and he handed her an extra worksheet.


After school, (Y/N) arrived in front of his house and she pressed the doorbell. It had been a challenge to collect all his assignments as she only had English class with him. The door opened shortly after, and there stood Chi Chi in her usual long-sleeved dress.

"Hi (Y/N)," she said with a smile.

"Hi, Mrs Son," (Y/N) said politely, "I'm here to give Gohan his assignments from school. And... um, since he doesn't know what has been covered in school today, I thought I could stay and teach him the things I've learnt in school today."

"Are you sure?" Chi Chi asked, "He's down with a flu, and I could teach him on my own."

"It's alright, I can manage it," (Y/N) said.

"If you say so," Chi Chi said reluctantly, "He's in his room. I had Goten to feed him his medicine."

(Y/N) entered the house and went upstairs to his room. She knocked the door, and someone responded, "Come in."

She turned the doorknob and entered the room. Gohan was lying in bed with a red nose (like Rudolph) and Goten was seated next to him, patiently feeding Gohan his medicine.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Gohan said in disbelief, "Go home immediately! I've got a flu and I don't want to spread it to you!"

"I know," (Y/N) said, "I've collected all of today's assignments and there is more stuff taught today and I thought I would come over to teach and study with you. Goten, why don't you leave the work to me and you go downstairs to watch some cartoons?"

"But Gohan said that if you caught the flu from him, he would be worried and - " Goten began.

"That's enough, Goten," Gohan said with slight anger in his voice, "Just do what (Y/N) said."

He would be worried about me as a friend, (Y/N) thought.

"If you say so," Goten said with a shrug and he exited the room.

(Y/N) took out the first worksheet assigned: English. Then she began telling him what she had learnt today. She did the same with all the other worksheets.

"Thanks (only it sounded more like "tanks" because his nose was clogged up) (Y/N)," Gohan said before sneezing.

She grabbed a piece of tissue and dabbed at his nose. He blushed slightly before she said, "I told my mom I would be studying here with you. You don't need to worry."

"Does my mom know about this?" he asked.

(Y/N) nodded.


"Bye!" (Y/N) said with a wave, "I'll come back tomorrow with your homework!"

"Thanks," Gohan said and smiled, "And thank you."

A/N: Sorry for another crappy chapter! And tysm for over 1K reads! Love you all! ^3^

a/n #2: what just what

edited on: 10 november 2016, thursday

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