Chapter Sixteen: Mental Link Through The Bond

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Chapter Sixteen: Mental Link Through The Bond

"Where are you taking me?" (Y/N) demanded.

"I said, shut up!" Cell said, "You're so annoying..."

"Where are you taking me, you f*cktard?!" (Y/N) yelled, balling up her fists.

"Why the hell do you wanna know?" Cell asked, irritated.

"I just wanna know!" (Y/N) shouted back at him.

"Wherever I think is a good hiding place," Cell answered angrily, "Now, for that's goddamn time, shut the hell up before I make you!"

Gohan... come save me... (Y/N) thought as Cell brought her further away.

"Insolent brat," Cell muttered as he gave her a slap across the back of (Y/N)'s head, knocking her out.


"Dad!" Gohan yelled as he dashed into the house like a five-minute fire alarm had just sounded.

"Not so loud, Gohan!" Chi Chi yelled, "You scared me there!"

"I'm sorry Mom," Gohan apologised, "But where's Dad?"

"Right here!" Goku answered loudly, appearing right behind Gohan without giving prior notice (you know, Instant Transmission), making Gohan jump.

"Dad! You scared me!" Gohan cried.

"Sorry," Goku apologised sheepishly, "Anyway, you called me?"

"Yes I did," Gohan answered quickly, "Dad, (Y/N)'s in trouble! She got kidnapped by Cell?"

"What?!" Chi Chi shrieked, "(Y/N) got kidnapped by Cell?! Now you guys can't get married and I won't have any grandkids - "

"Mom!" Gohan yelled, embarrassed.

"What? Onii-san got kidnapped?" Goten said, "Daddy, let's go rescue her!"

"Of course we will," Goku said seriously, "But Goten, you can't come along."

"Why?" Goten whined, "I wanna help too!"

"Sorry kiddo," Goku said as he ruffled Goten's hair, "Your mom will be mad at me if I brought you along."

"Of course I will," Chi Chi said angrily, "I don't want to be left alone!"

"Mom, please?" Goten begged, "We need more people to save (Y/N)-chan... and if she doesn't get saved, she and Gohan-nii can't get married and - "

"GOTEN!" Gohan yelled, embarrassed.

There was a long pause before Chi Chi sighed and said, "Fine. But don't get hurt."

"I won't!" Goten promised as he gave his mother a hug.


Within minutes, Goku had informed everyone about the situation and managed to get everyone to help, even the prince of Saiyans himself.

"Damn it Kakarot..." Vegeta muttered, "Do you even know where we're going?"

"Uh..." Goku said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I KNEW IT!" Vegeta yelled, pissed, as he stopped, "How the hell do you expect us to find the girl without even knowing where she is?!"

"It's hard to sense her ki," Goku said, defending himself.

"Wait... Gohan?" Vegeta said, addressing the boy.

"Yes?" Gohan said.

"You're dating (Y/N), right?" Vegeta asked.

"Yes..." Gohan answered, blushing slightly.

"You should have a strong bond with her. All Saiyans do when we have a mate. Concentrate and talk to her through that bond. You should be able to find her."

"Alright... I'll try..."

Gohan knitted his eyebrows together as he concentrated.

Finally, he had found her.


"Ugh..." (Y/N) moaned as she woke up.

She tried to rub her eyes but felt something around her wrists. She tried to move, but she could not get up. Her legs had been tied to something. Finally, she realized that Cell had tied her tight to a chair.

"Great..." (Y/N) muttered, "Just great. That perv just has to - "

"You're finally awake."

Cell emerged from the shadows and began to walk towards her.

"What the hell do you want?" (Y/N) demanded, knitting her eyebrows together into a frown.

"You're my captive now," Cell said in a low tone with a sastified smirk.

"Never!" (Y/N) yelled bravely.

"Never?" Cell repeated, getting angrier with every passing second, "I'll let you see if you have a choice or not!"

He walked towards her, seething with rage. Then, he raised his hand and shot it down right at (Y/N)'s cheek, slapping her.

(Y/N) did not flinch. She continued staring straight at the heartless monster with her (E/C) orbs.

"Stubborn wretch," Cell muttered, "Let's see how proud you'll still be when no one rescues you!"

He marched away and exited the room.

(Y/N) stared out of the window on a wall on her right. Her only thought was: Will I ever be rescued?

Of course you will be.

"W-who's there?!" (Y/N) demanded, a little bit scared.

It's me, Gohan.

"G-Gohan?" (Y/N) sputtered in disbelief, "Is it really you? And why can't I see you?"

I'm talking to you through this strong bond we share as a couple. That's why I'm not physically with you.

So... you can still hear me now? (Y/N) thought.

Yes I can.

Good, (Y/N) thought, smiling to herself.

Oh, by the way, my dad and everyone else is trying to locate you. Trunks's dad told me that us Saiyans have bonds with our mate and can communicate through the bond. Anway, do you know where you are?

No... not really... (Y/N) thought as she studied her surroundings, All I know is that I'm in some room and I can see a field outside...

Good. That should be enough. Don't worry, we're coming.

Please come soon... (Y/N) thought.

We will. I love you, (Y/N).

And I love you too, Gohan, (Y/N) thought before the mental link closed.

A/N: No spoilers for the next chapter! I'm sowwy! And thank you all for over 2K reads! I love chu all! *blows air kisses*

edited on: 14 november 2016, monday

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