Chapter Fourteen: Videl Knows

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Chapter Fourteen: Videl Knows

The duo headed to the mall together with arms interlocked, enjoying the silence between them.

"Do you want to get some ice cream?" Gohan asked.

(Y/N) nodded.

They entered the shop and was stunned to see Videl there. Her back was facing them and she did not notice them. (Y/N) wanted to back out of there before the demon's daughter spotted them, but Gohan gave her hand a tight squeeze to reassure her that it was fine before she took a deep breath, gathered her confidence, and let go of his hand to join the queue.

"My, my, Videl. Isn't it a coincidence to see you here?" (Y/N) asked sarcastically.

"What're you doing here?" Videl snapped.

"To order an ice cream! What else?" (Y/N) huffed.

Videl snorted and collected her ice cream before turning around to see Gohan standing there, waiting for (Y/N). However, being the airhead she was, she strutted over to him with the obsessive annoying ass shit fangirl/girlfriend attitude air and gave a smile.

"Hi Gohan!" she chirped melodiously, "Wanna hang out today? We can go over to my mansion."

"No thanks," Gohan declined, "I'm on a date with (Y/N) today."

"You're what?!" Videl gasped shrilly with wide eyes and stared at him then (Y/N) in shock.

(Y/N) had already ordered a/an (F/F) flavoured ice cream and was walking towards her with a smirk on her face, wishing she could take a photo of her face and keeping it as a momento.

Videl frowned and snarled, "Watch your back, (L/N). You'll pay for stealing my man."

With that, she walked out of the shop.


Gohan offered to walk (Y/N) home to her doorstep, which she gladly accepted, and they reached her house in the evening.

"Arigato for everything today, Gohan," (Y/N) said with a sincere smile.

"Doitashimashite," Gohan said with his famous grin, "See you tomorrow!"

He started hovering over the ground before giving a wave.

"Bye Gohan!" (Y/N) said and waved as he flew off into the sunset.

Preview for chapter fifteen:

A few days have passed since their date. (Y/N) and Gohan did not show any obvious and particular signs of their relationship.

(Y/N) closed her locker door and hugged her books close to her chest as she stepped into class with Gohan.

"Are you sure they're dating?"

"I think so."

"But they aren't even holding hands!"

(Y/N) could not stand people gossiping about Gohan and her. She wanted them to stop.

She sat down at her seat and Gohan whispered to her, "Don't worry, it'll all blow over soon."

"Wait," (Y/N) said, "How do you know that I didn't like the gossip?"

"Just now," Gohan answered.

(Y/N) stared at him suspiciously.

"Don't worry, I can't read minds," Gohan assured her.

A/N: FINALLY! Wattpad was glitching on me and I tried to update LOTS of times... so here is the long-awaited chapter! Anyway, it'll take quite a while for me to write chapter fifteen because [CENSORED SCENE - nothing mature but I don't wanna spoil it for you guys!]. This book is gonna end in about three or four chapters. That depends if I wanna write another bonus scene or more, then it would extend to either one, two or three chapters. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this short chapter!

a/n #2: i'm proud of my editing skills yay

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