Chapter Twelve: Encouragement

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Chapter Twelve: Encouragement

This went on. (Y/N) continued collecting Gohan's homework and went over to his house to pass it to him, teach and study with him for about a week before he came back to school all recovered.

(Y/N) closed her locker and was about to head of to gym class when someone yelled, "(Y/N)!"

She turned around and saw Gohan running up to her.

"Hey Gohan. What's up?" she said.

"I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me the past week. You've been just... amazing!" he gushed and he smiled that wide goofy grin of his which always made (Y/N) want to melt like a popsicle.

"No problem," she said with a smile, "I'm on my way to gym now. Are you coming?"

(Soz if I haven't mentioned this before! You and Gohan are in the same P.E. class!)

"Yup!" he answered with a nod.

Together, they headed to class, talking an  laughing along the way.


In gym class, (Y/N) placed her bottle at the side of the track while Gohan waited for her.

"Alright everyone!" the teacher yelled, "Please gather!"

Everyone gathered and stood near the teacher.

"For warm-ups today, you will be running eight rounds around the track," she said.

The students groaned.

"You have a choice," the teacher said, "Either nine or eight rounds around the track."

Everyone sighed and began running.

Gohan could have easily sped off and completed the eight rounds in no time at all, but he continued running beside (Y/N), who was panting and kept slowing down occasionally.

"Come on (Y/N)!" he said encouragingly, "You can do this!"

"I... can't!" she yelled, "I've! Got! Stitches!"

(Stitches is the pain you feel at the side of your stomach when you run, for some of you guys out there.)

"Don't give up now!" he said back, "You can do it!"


They turned around and saw Videl running behind them with a smirk on her lips.

"I'm on my fifth round, loser," she snarked.

"Well, I'm sorry you're such a b*tch that you just have to destroy anything that breathes," (Y/N) spat.

"You're gonna lose, anyway," Videl said with a smirk, "I can't be bothered to talk to losers like you."

She sped off to the front of the queue, leaving (Y/N) and Gohan behind.

"Don't give her the satisfaction of seeing you lose!" Gohan said, "Add speed! I'm here with you."

(Y/N) blushed a little when he said that before nodding at him. She was filled with determination and was going to see this stupid run through. Together, they sped off, running past Videl.

Soon, they completed the eight rounds in no time at all, leaving Videl with about two rounds to complete.

"You did it (Y/N)!" Gohan exclaimed.

"Thanks to you!" she exclaimed before blushing slightly.

He blushed as well. But the moment was destroyed by Videl, who screamed, "That wasn't fair! You cheated!"

They spun around and saw her marching up to them.

"You cheater!" she shouted, pointing an accusing finger in (Y/N)'s face, "You did a shortcut!"

"Did not!" (Y/N) yelled, "You're just jealous I completed it before you did!"

"Liar!" Videl yelled once more, "You suck!"

"And you swallow," (Y/N) answered with a smirk, "I can't be bothered to deal with sore losers like you,"

Videl glared at her angrily before saying, "Watch your back, (L/N). You don't want to mess with me."

With that she stomped away in a pique of anger.

"Don't worry about Videl," Gohan said comfortingly, "She can't do anything to you."

(Y/N) could not do anything but to just hope Gohan was right.

A/N: ANOTHER UPDATE! :D Anyway, I got inspired to write this after running five rounds around the parade square in school today. Anyway, hope you liked it, even though it was real crappy!

a/n #2: oh wow just what qq what were you ever doing with your life lmao

edited on: 14 november 2016, monday

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