Finding Mr. Perfect's Flaws [Sixteen]

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Finding Mr. Perfect's Flaws


You & I? We're just so cliché.

As I splashed into the water, I expected it to be freezing cold.  Instead, I was met with warm and perfect in the shower temperature water. As my head ducked under, I lightly opened my eyes. I could see a blurry chest of Collin. My eyes slightly stung under the warm water. He was still wearing basketball shorts. I hated wet jeans, but what was I supposed to do? Take them off? I had left my sneakers on as well. Then I slowly pushed myself to the surface. As my head broke the water, I met eyes with Collin. He smiled.

He motioned for me to follow him. He started to slowly swim in another direction. I followed, watching his shoulders. Wet droplets cascaded down his perfectly tanned back. He had a slight farmers tan on the tops of his arms, at the sleeves. It was adorable. I stared at the back of his head. His hair was all messed up again. I grinned and continued to follow him.

The sun was slightly setting. The sun looked beautiful in that in between state. I never really had paid any attention to the sun. And now, I was wondering how I had ever not noticed it before. My shoes touched something on the ground. It was the ground. It had lifted, and now I could walk regularly. The water sunk as I walked forward, coming to rest at the middle of our stomachs. Collin turned to smile at me. My throat closed on itself.

I looked down, unable to look at him. I swished my hand on the top of the amazing, pure water. It was still warm and it felt heavenly. It was a heaven on earth. I looked up. Leaves covered the immediate sky like a canopy. I couldn't see where we had jumped from. We were still standing in the U, but not it was upside down. Water went around the tips, flowing out into ocean. There were rocks behind Collin, making a wall of rocks. They lightly shimmered in the sun. It was beautiful.

My skinny jeans seemed to wrap tightly around me. They were very uncomfortable, but I would have been too embarrassed to take off my jeans. Water suddenly splashed against my chest, making me jump. My eyes flickered up to see Collin pretending to be interested with the trees above us. I grinned at his "innocence".

I flipped water at him as well. It splashed against the side of his face. He lashed around, jerking forward. We collided, laughing. I was pushed under water, taking a quick breath before I went down. He fell on top of me, losing his balance. I opened my eyes again. He was staring at me under water. He smiled, bubbles coming from his mouth. I laughed lightly. Sunlight swarmed around his head, making him glow. He then placed his hands on my waist. I watched his head surface, the sunlight breaking. He pulled me up after him.

When I got up, I reached out for him, so I could keep my balance. The first thing that I came into contact with was his beautiful shoulders. They were warm but wet, so I had to cling on tightly. When my head broke the surface, I wrapped them tighter around his neck. His hands were still on my waist as I straightened to a stand. He had been bending down as he picked me up and he had to do the same.

Then we were both standing there, holding onto each other. He smiled softly and leaned down. My heart fluttered as fast as hummingbirds’ wings. He placed his forehead against mine. I smiled then. His face this close made butterflies erupt in my stomach. We were both showing our teeth then, smiling wide and true. His fingers squeezed my soft stomach. His fingers were warm, and they sent shivers up and down my spine.

If this had been Johnny, I most defiantly would have gotten a boner. With him, it was all about sex. I never truly had any special moments with him. But with Collin, it was different. Sure, I was still a hormonal teenager. But who wasn't? Something was special with him. I really really liked this boy.

"Can you feel my heart?" he whispered. His breath was warm and sweet smelling as it blew across my face. I bet mine smelled like shit. But right now, I didn't give a shit.

One of my hands lightly and gently ran down his arm. His head turned to watch the movement. I lightly moved it back, and up to his collarbone. Then I lightly traced down his bare chest to over his heart. I placed my palm against it, and I felt his heartbeat. It was beating hard and fast. I smiled again. He pulled his face away to look at mine. My hand stayed on his heart, over his warm skin. I felt his heart speed up.

The sun was suddenly setting behind him. His body started to glow purple. He grabbed my hand and turned away from me, quickly starting to pull me to the rocks. A cave I hadn't seen before suddenly appeared in front of us. He pulled me right inside, dragging me into the middle of it. I could still see a little of the sky and the sunset to the west. I stared at it, then at Collin. He was staring at me, like he was in a trance. His eyes smiled at me when I looked back over at him.

"Collin, what..." I trailed off. He was still giving me that stare. It seemed like I was the only thing he could see - the only thing he wanted to see. It seemed like I was important to someone - that someone truly cared. He was staring at me in a way that Johnny never had, and never would have.

Before he could answer me, it happened. The sun finally set, casting it's last bright lights around us. I gasped as the water around me shimmered, like glitter. Rainbows decorated the top of the water. It seemed as if the water was alive. Lights suddenly started shooting out all around us, making me gasp again. Little crystals that were latched in the cave walls around us shot out light. They glistened like the water, making me feel like this really was heaven on earth.

There must have been a million crystals in the cave. I looked back at Collin. He had never even taken his eyes off of me. His blue eyes lit up, the lights dancing in them. He was beautiful. And right now, the way he was looking at me, I could just imagine that I was as well. The look he was giving me made everything seem okay, everything was perfect.

My heart swelled up and choked me. Collin reached behind me, then. I heard a cracking sound. He picked up my hand and placed something in it. His fingers closed around mine, holding in place the thing he had placed inside. I looked down, opening my hand. A little crystal that still shimmered and emitted a bright light was in my hands. It was beautiful, and I knew that I would remember and cherish this moment forever.

His fingers lightly went under my chin. He pulled my chin half way up so our eyes could meet, but my head was angled at his shoulders. Then he leaned down, and pulled my chin up all the way.

His lips met mine clumsily at first. His lips were off target, and got my top lip a little too moist. His soft, warm lips stumbled upon mine. Those cheesy sparks flew through me again, adding to the brilliant lights around us. My eyes fluttered shut. His head tilted, our lips disconnecting for just a second. His mouth suddenly found that right place, molding into mine perfectly. My arms went up to wind around his waist. One of his hands tilted up my head, making my lips easier access. 

His other arm wrapped around me as his lips kissed mine once; twice. My fingers wrapped around my wrist behind his back, trying to contain the feelings that were creeping up on me. I was still clutching the stone with one hand, planning to never let go of it. He was so soft but hard at the same time. He was so warm and such a turn on.

He pulled away after a few more seconds. The kiss was small and innocent. As much as a gay kiss could be. My eyes lightly flickered open. I was met by his gaze. We stared at each other for a few seconds, not saying anything. That's when I realized three things. But the most important? I had just kissed Collin. The most surprising?

This was my first date.

The lights around us started to dull. Our arms slowly dropped from each other, looking around us in astonishment. I pulled my palm up to my chest, and pried my fingers open. The stone in my palm was slowly starting to dull as well. I looked up. Collin was staring at it as well. I just realized that he was holding one in his hand, as well.

His hand reached out. His fingers grabbed something that was on my chest. I looked down - he had grabbed the necklace. I had totally forgotten it was around my neck. When I looked up to see if he was mad, I realized that he wasn't.

He was overjoyed.

I stared up at him. He let the necklace drop, lightly bouncing back into place.

"It's getting kind of cold," He whispered. That was the last thing I expected him to say after the special kiss. I frowned, not trying to hide it. If he noticed my frown, he didn't show it. He started to head out of the cave, like he had had a change of heart. I followed a few seconds afterward. Not that the sun had gone down, it had started to get cold, despite the warm water. I still didn't find that a reason to leave, though.

He trudged through the water in front of me. I followed him, getting all the waves that came after him. I was frowning the whole way. Was I bad kisser or something? On their own accord, my fingers went up to touch my lips. They still tingled with sparks. How could something so wrong feel so right?

Before I knew it, we were standing at one of the tips of the U. An old rope dangled down, stretching up the edge. I quickly went up before Collin could. I was climbing for about five minutes when I finally reached the top. I had paused a few times, looking out over the beautiful view. Whatever the outcome, I was going to remember this. Collin came up shortly after me. No longer hand in hand like earlier, we slowly went to our shirts, and trudged through the grass. He didn't even open the door for me. I sat in his car, still wet. I turned away from him the second I could.

I desperately wanted to know what he was thinking. But would I be able to handle it?

© Copyright to Strcfal on Wattpad

Finding Mr. Perfect's Flaws (boyxboy) [Sixteen]

Finding Mr. Perfect's Flaws (boyxboy) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now