Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I didn't think much of the phone call. Until I got another one about an hour after the first one. This time the man said, "Hello?"

"Hello." I said back

"Is your name Annie?"

"Yes, but who is this?!"

"I knew it!"

And then he hung up. I have to admit I'm a little creeped out by this man. Why does he keep calling me! I tried to not let it bother me, but I just kept thinking about it. Then I got a text. The message read "I know your Annie. And I know where you are. Don't try to run because ill follow. Don't try to hide because ill find you. And don't you dare tell a single soul...

I figured it was just a prank from some stupid little kids. But that didn't explain the 40 year old mans voice. Just when I started freaking out, I got another phone call.


"Hey!" Said Brandon, the guy I met at school.

"Oh hey!" I said back extremely relieved.

"Are you okay? You sound shook up."

"Yes, yes I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm great. Actually I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party Saturday night?"

"Sure! Who's party is it?"


"Okay yeah I'd love to go!"

"Okay great! So ill see you there then."


"Okay see you tomorrow." He said kind of excitedly.

"Okay and thank you!" I said in the same tone of voice.

"No problem!"

Then we hung up. This will be good for me, I thought. Now I can get my head clear from the strange phone calls and I can go have fun.

"Annie! Come here please!" My mom shouted up the stairs. I run down stairs to see her with a handful of mail. I asked her what she needed and she to me that all that mail was addressed to me. I took the mail and ran upstairs. I don't know what to do with it. Should I open it? Or maybe not, it will only make me go even more insane. I looked at the first letter. I begin to tear it open and the thought of what could be inside made my stomach turn into a knot. Just hearing the paper rip made me feel sick. I took out what I thought was going to be a letter but turned out to be a picture. I looked at the picture closer and saw it was a picture of me. I screamed and threw it down. I freaked out and ripped open another envelope. I took out another picture of me.

After opening all of the envelopes I realized this guy is not messing around. All the pictures he took were of me up in my room. I frantically grabbed all the pictures and envelopes and threw them in a shoebox in my closet. I didn't know what to do next. I couldn't tell anyone! The text told me not to and I didn't want to see what would happen if I did. I nonchalantly went down stairs and sat at the table for dinner.

Who sent you all those letters Annie?" My dad asked concerned.

"Um, they were from an old friend back in Virginia." I lied

"Oh okay, it's good you still keep in touch with all your friends." Dad said

I kept quite, I couldn't help but think of the pictures. He could be watching me right now.

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