Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I guess I passed out again because when I woke up I was in my bed. I missed my date with Brandon. And my mom and dad were know where to be seen. I went downstairs and I saw a note on the table that said "I have to drop off your sister at daycare. Be back in a few. Love mom." I was wondering why because it was a Sunday and she normally doesn't work on Sundays. I ran back up to my room and cleaned up the spray paint that was left all over my freshly painted blue walls.

I decided I would call Brandon and apologize for not coming yesterday, but I had no idea what I would tell him when we asked me why I didn't.

"Hello?" Brandon said

"Hey it's Annie."

"Oh hey." He said alittle disappointed.

"I'm really sorry I didn't show up yesterday. I had a lot going on here and I didn't get a chance to call you. I'm so sorry, I feel so bad."

"It's ok. I actually had a really nice time with Brittany. So it worked out well!"

I was so shocked when he said that. My heart melted a little and I could feel my head begin to spin.

"Oh that's good." I said jealously

"Yeah but I would still like to hang out of you are free soon!"

"Well I'm free tomorrow!" I said anxiously

"Sounds great! See you then!"

"Ok bye!"


I would have told him I was free tonight but I didn't want to sound desperate. I didn't want him to think that I was just waiting for him to ask me out. But this will work out good! I think. I hope it does because I do not want Brittany to get with him. She is the snobbest girl in that entire school. I couldn't even picture them together. She is with a different guy every week. My mom walked in the house and so I ran downstairs and asked her when she got home last night.

"Well I think it was around one or two in the morning. Your dad and I decided to go out. And your brother stayed at a friends house. Your sister had that daycare sleepover thing. Why?"

"Oh no reason. I just didn't know."

And that means they didn't put me in my bed. Which means someone else did. But who? The thought of it being who ever was in my house last night gave me the creeps. I didn't know what to think. I had to get out. I was so glad that I was going to go out with Brandon tomorrow. I went into the kitchen and found another note that I must have over looked. The note said "Sleep good Annie! Ill be back for another fun day soon! Hahaha."

I ran to the garbage and threw it away after I tore it to shreds. Then I got in the car. And left.

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