ELEVEN Sly Slytherin Strikes

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The following morning was filled with chatter for the Halloween feast. Bridget Searle didn't stop talking about it at breakfast. She said she wasn't going to eat anything all day so that she could stuff herself at the feast. Veronica frowned at her and said,

"If you do that you'll make yourself ill. You have to eat something!"

When Bridget refused her friend Eva Stuart stuffed a piece of toast in her mouth and made her chew. Bridget coughed and spluttered, knocking over a cup of juice which magically cleaned itself up, a napkin drying the spill and the cup tilting itself back up.

I was excited too. I wanted to see what it was going to be like. It was even better that I got to spend Halloween at Hogwarts, with Veronica and Will. And maybe I'd see Callie and Lucas at some stage too.

First up Ravenclaw first years had potions class, but all the contestants who had signed up for the Spellmaster Championships were expected to head over to the Transfiguration classroom for a meeting. So when the time came, Veronica, Will and I all trudged upstairs rather than down.

When we got there the room was packed with students from all different houses. I noticed Lucas and Callie standing off to the side, and we made our way over to them (much to the disgust of Will).

"Oh hey!" Lucas greeted, when he saw us. "You guys are giving it a go too? Even you Miss Muggle? Man, I'm impressed."

I shrugged. "I've been brushing up on my skills," I replied proudly. My hand drifted to my necklace, and I added, "And I might have had a little help."

Of course, I was referring to my necklace, but the others didn't have to know that. Lucas winked at me. "Glad to hear it," he said. I wasn't sure why I hadn't told the others about the necklace Lucas gave me. I guess I didn't want to admit that it was probably aiding my progress.

I scanned the room, and I spotted Albus Potter with a bunch of his friends across the room. Standing not too far away was Eleanor, though she was alone.

The room settled down when Professor Plumble entered, followed by a teacher I hadn't encountered yet. She had dark skin, beautiful brown curls, and soulful eyes.

"I'm humbled by the keen interest this school has taken in the Spellmaster Championships," Professor Plumble began, looking around at us all. "Of course, you are all permitted to enter the first round. However, only those most successful will make it to round two, and it is in these rounds you must work together as a school. Your spirit will be tested in these challenges. Teamwork is vital."

There was a low murmur through the crowd, and the Slytherins shot the other houses an unhappy glance.

"In round two, a small team will have made it through, and that will be your team for the round. The challenges you face must be faced together. Different skills and strengths are needed. Different kinds of witches and wizards are needed."

The Professor stepped back, and allowed the other teacher to come forward.

"Professor Meria here is a teacher at Uagadou School of Magic, located in Africa. She founded the school back when the Battle of Hogwarts ended, in an attempt to reunite the wizarding world and bring peace to everyone. The idea of friendly competition, and exposure to all magical beings around the world, created a sense of culture in our world. The idea for a widespread competition between all magical schools had never been considered before that time."

The woman gave Professor Plumble a nod before stepping forward to speak. Her accent was so rich it was hard to understand her at first.

"It is my greatest honor to welcome you all to take part in the competition," she said. "Firstly, I must warn you that like many other wizarding competitions, there is risk of being injured, so it is advised you be confident in your spell casting abilities before entering the competition."

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