Author Update

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Okay so many of you are probably pissed off because I haven't updated in a while and you probably won't believe me when I say that I am incredibly busy especially with college and exams etc.

I haven't updated in a while also because it takes me a long time to write a chapter for THC because to be honest I'm suffering from writers block at the moment.

It's not that I don't love the Hamilton Charm...I do but it's not my usual genre. As in I always write romance but it nearly always has another theme that is just as prominent such as the Supernatural, crime etc.

I also feel I have matured enough to realise that the Hamilton Charm isn't up to standard for me anymore. There are loads of mistakes in the plot and in my writing and it's too late to fix them and it drives me crazy.

I want to work on my other stories like Black Hell but I feel as if I will disappoint ye all if I do that and I don't update the Hamilton Charm. I love Black Hell. I have it all meticulously planned out that I just can't wait to continue it but I feel as if the unfinished Hamilton Charm is holding me back.

I promise ye all now though that I WILL finish THC. But I won't just leave you with one update and then disappear for a month. I want to complete it and then I'll start posting again. I will try my best to overcome my writers block this week.

In the mean time I would really appreciate it if ye would check out my other stories like Black Hell and Pride & Pratishness.

Thanks so much for your time guys and I'm really sorry if you thought this was an update.


I've also included a link to a song I'm loving at the mo; Firestarter by Torre Florim

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