Chapter 18

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“Talia” Cassio said while waving his hand in front of my face. I had zoned out after watching Hamilton speed off in his sports car. I stared after him until his car disappeared around the corner. My gaze quickly flickered back to Cassio’s face. “Sorry I was just thinking” I sighed while rubbing my neck with my hand. It was a bit awkward between us, well I felt awkward at the very least. I felt horrible for ignoring all his calls and messages. He was such a nice guy but Jesus he cannot take a hint when someone doesn’t want to talk to him.

“Do you want to go for a coffee?” he asked somewhat hesitantly. “Emm...” I glanced down at my watch, “Ya sure I have time”. He grinned and then passed me the bouquet of flowers, “These are for you. I remembered you saying that pink roses were your ya”. He shuffled nervously from side to side in apprehension of what I would think. I smiled, he was just too cute, and I took the roses from him. I brought the bouquet to my face and sniffed them. I smiled again “Thank you Cassio, but you didn’t have to”. He ignored my last comment and wrapped one arm around me. I nestled against his body absorbing his heat. We began to walk in the direction of the cafe down the side street.

Cassio led me towards the cafe; it was tucked away down a side alley. The bell rang as we stepped inside. I removed my coat and jacket, the heat blasting from the radiators was overwhelming. The cafe was small and had few customers but it seemed quaint and somewhat intimate. The lighting was dim with candles adorning every table. Soft, typical Parisian music played from the speakers. Cassio ordered two cappuccinos for us and then we picked a table.

I collapsed into the table accompanied by a couch. My feet were killing me after I stupidly decided to wear 5 inch stilettos to the office today. Cassio walked towards the table balancing the two coffees and the sachets of sugar. I jumped up and helped him out by taking one of the coffees and placing it on the table. He smiled gratefully at me. He then settled on the couch beside me.

I picked up my cup and sipped on the delicious, life saving beverage that resided inside. After my first heavenly sip, I sighed with pleasure. Coffee was like a drug to me. In my peripheral vision I could see Cassio opening and closing his mouth as if he wanted to say something. He would frown sporadically as if trying to figure out what to say. I turned towards him expectantly, he blushed.

I sipped on the coffee again and watched him over the lip of the cup as he gathered his thoughts. I raised an eyebrow at his strange behaviour. I knew he was nervous and Cassio wasn’t usually like that.

“I know I’ve already said sorry for ignoring you those days where I had really do mean it” he sighed exasperatedly and scratched the side of his head. “Cassio it wasn’t anything you’ve done, I am going through a tough situation at work at the moment and I just didn’t have time. I’m sorry” I lied; I hated lying to Cassio he deserved better.

“No I know you are only saying that!” he exclaimed shaking his head. “I have something to tell-” The waitress bringing his muffin interrupted us. I leaned forward in anticipation for what he has to say. He picked up the muffin and began to eat it nervously. He offered me some but I shook my head, ever the gentlemen. “What do you have to tell me?” I asked, I think it is funny that I expect him to tell me but I can’t tell him that I slept with Hamilton. He gulped and I watched his Adam’s apple bounce up and down.

“Okay I have to tell her” he mumbled under his breath. Oh god I hope he hasn’t spilt personalities or god forbid an imaginary friend. I knew that he was just too perfect, I started to panic a little and I could feel a cold sweat gathering on my back.

He took a deep breath while I hyperventilated. I wouldn’t want to be dying in front of Cassio he wouldn’t even notice. “Remember all those times I told you that I was operating on that golden retriever” I nodded and immediately stopped panting. This seemed serious, maybe he had some underlying psychotic issues and spent his days experimenting on animals or dreaming about how to kill me. It scares me sometimes where my mind wanders to. I think it’s from watching too much Criminal Minds.

“Well I was actually helping people who are less fortunate and who have sick animals but who cannot afford to pay for the vet” he mumbled quickly, all his words mushing together. I could feel a scream rising in my throat. I knew he was a psychopath! “Wait what...!” It was then that my mind registered what he had said. He helped homeless people with their sick animals...could he get anymore perfect. I sighed and sagged on the couch in relief.

“You see people come to me with their pets and I can’t treat them because they can’t afford it. I love animals and I can’t watch them suffer, its heart wrenching. So I spend a couple of hours on the weekend treating the animals for free. I have to bring them to the vets late at night otherwise I will get in trouble” he explained. “But this isn’t bad why did you lie?” I asked confused. “Well my last girlfriend Vanessa, got really angry when I told her what I was doing because she thought they would infect her little pug with fleas etc. by being in the same clinic as her dog. I tried to explain to her that that would never happen but she wouldn’t listen.” I rolled my eyes. What a bitch, those poor animals could have been suffering and all she cared about was he dog that looked like it had been hit in the face by a frying pan.

“And then she broke up with me. I didn’t want you to react the same way, I don’t want to lose you” he whispered as he gazed into my eyes. His eyes glistened with an emotion that was indescribable. I was not usually for all the sappy lovey-dovey stuff but it was difficult not to be around Cassio. He brought out my better qualities, I don’t think that there was ever a time where I wasn’t smiling and laughing with him. I reached across the table and grabbed his hand. “I don’t want to lose you either” I said, I fully meant it but I couldn’t help mentally gagging.

“Cassio you are the perfect guy and I could never break up with you over a selfless act on your part. You are amazing and I don’t deserve you” I mumbled the last part to myself. He leaned towards me and cupped my cheek with the palm of his hand. “I really like you Talia. Will you officially be my girlfriend?” he asked grinning. Now was my chance to tell him what had happened between me and Hamilton so I could enter this relationship on a clean slate. But I was a coward; I leaned in and kissed him. My lips trailed lightly against his. He leaned into the kiss and our lips met in a sweet but passionate kiss. “Yes” I mouthed against his lips. I could feel him grin against my lips as he deepened the kiss. I kissed him back and blotted out everything that had happened between Hamilton and I. That was history and Cassio is my future.

2 weeks later

Things were finally back to normal at home and in work. Cassio and I were officially going out and I had completely blocked out the Friday night occurrence between Hamilton and I. He had become his usual dickhead self again but surprisingly less girls frequented his office. The girls in work had their theories that he had a girlfriend of sorts. The advantage of having a boyfriend is that they stop teasing you about how Hamilton is actually in love with you blah blah blah. I was just a one night stand to him, another girl in the office that he ‘charmed’ into his ‘bed’...more like desk, but I tried not to let him affect me. Of course it was hard to look at him and not think about him naked but I was getting better. He was even a tad nicer to Cassio but still scoffed whenever I mentioned his name, but he will get over whatever aversion he has towards Cassio.

I was making breakfast for Cassio and me on Saturday morning after he stayed over last night...wink-wink when the phone rang. I pulled the bread from the toaster and dashed across the room to answer it.

“Hello” I gasped into the phone. “Talia pack your bags and book our flights we have to go on an impromptu business trip to Rome on Monday for two nights” Iver’s gravelly voice barked down the phone and then there was the dial tone. The phone slipped from my fingers and Gregor whined at the noise of it hitting the floor. Two days, alone with Iver, in Rome. It was a nightmare in the making.

A.N. Sorry guys about how short it is, I had a slight writers block so this isn’t as good as it should have been. So Cassio has revealed his ‘big’ secret, bet you thought he was going to be a serial killer hahaha jk jk. And what is going to happen on this trip to Rome ooooh! Hehehe I can’t wait to write the next chapter. It should be up on the weekend. Anyway hope ye enjoyed this chapter. Oh ya please check out my other story ‘The Dark Ones’ it’s very different to this but I dunno you might like it. I’d appreciate it if you would let me know what you think. Only the Prologue is up atm but I should have the first chapter up during the week. Peace out...ugh why did I say that!

Anyway please vote and comment it’s greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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