Chemical Attraction Chapter 17

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^^^ Dedicated to a fan who has given so much support towards this story :) Thank you so much! <3

So I finally found the time to copy up this chapter! Thanks so much for all your support and patience :) Currently working on Mr Cooper's POV, most of you have asked for the kissing scene so that's the one I'm writing ;)

I have a feeling you fans are really going to hate me for this chapter but relax :) It has to get worse before it can get better :P I already have most of the plot for this story worked out, and I can assure you that it's not as bad as it sounds. Please vote, fan and comment!! It really means so much to me :) Hoping to reach 200 fans soon and I think with one more chapter I'll reach the big 1000 for votes! Wooop wooop!! :D :D :D


Chapter 17


 The corridor was dark and my footsteps barely made a sound in the stifling silence. I clutched my phone tighter, following the faint beam of light that illuminated the floor. I had stayed in my room all day, crying until I was numb with emptiness. All I wanted to do now was curl up in bed, but hunger gnawed at my stomach, which contracted painfully from lack of food. I winced as my next step caused a loud creak, carefully easing my foot off the floorboard. It was against the rules to be out of bed past 11 o’clock here and there was a stiff penalty for those who disobeyed. My goal was a vending machine filled with snacks just down the corridor in the common room. The last thing I needed was to be caught when I was so close.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I reached the common room door, groping for the handle and quietly pushing the door open. Quickly, I hurried over to the vending machine, fumbling with my change until at last I held a packet of Doritos in my hands. I ripped open the packet and started scoffing the crisps down with undisguised eagerness.


I squeaked with shock, my body jerking in panic as I dropped the packet, the crisps scattering across the floor. I twisted around towards the voice, my neck cricking painfully in the process. A bright light flared up against my eyes and I squinted towards the dark silhouette in the doorway.

A familiar chuckle reached my ears and the voice said, “Relax, Bee. It’s only me.”

I recognised the voice straight away. My body sagged with relief as I frowned with annoyance.

“Number one- I told you not to call me that. Number two- look at what you made me do!” I gestured towards the mess on the floor. “And number three- what the hell are you doing here?”

The light moved away from my face towards the floor and as my eyes grew accustomed to the dark, Alex’s face sharpened into focus.

“Oops, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologised, but not without a look of suppressed laughter. “And Bee is a cute name, so it suits you.”

He smiled a rather sweet smile, and I couldn’t help but blush.

“So what are you doing here?” I asked again, trying to change the subject. He grinned harder, his teeth looking pearly white in the darkness.

Chemical Attraction (Student/Teacher Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now