Chapter 3

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Cameron's POV

Once I arrived at school, the first thing I did was look around for Alison. I found her not too long after, she was at her locker, laughing with a group of friends.

I snuck up behind her back and covered her eyes with my hands, "Guess who?" I asked.

"Um, Cameron?" She giggled. I hugged her body from the body from the back then whirled her around.

"So, the match is tonight, how is my star football player going to do?" She asked me, resting her hands on my chest.

"Amazing, like I always do." I boasted and kissed her softly on the cheek.

We were on our way up the stairs to our first period, hand in hand, but I stopped when I heard the laughter of a few of the boys from my team.

I tugged Alison's hand and directed her around the corner to where the sound was heard.

That girl, Bianca was her name. She was curled up on the floor, the boys towering over her and each taking turns throwing a few punches and kicks to her fragile body.

My fists clenched, I was suddenly angry. No one deserves something like this to happen to them. I knew that she was always made fun of but seeing this happen to her was a first and I didn't sit right with me one bit.

"I'm going to go help her." I whispered to Alison. She burst out a laugh.

"Babe, come on! This is funny! Just let it be. She gets this type of shit of every day, it's not like it's anything new."

Wow. What's strange is that Alison is normally the nice one who might have stood up for Bianca if someone was saying mean things to her. I stared at her shock, not being able to formulate a response.

"Well, she is a slut Cameron. Baby, I'm just saying, If you want to be called 'School's New Softie Quarterback', then be my guest."

It was irritating all those stupid names they called her. "I'm just warning you now." She finished and crossed her hands over her chest, waiting for me to drop it.

I sighed. She's right, the boys would be upset with me if I was to do anything and I couldn't have anything jeopardize my reputation. So in the end, I forced myself to go along with what everyone else was doing: laughing.

Once the crowd had died down and almost everyone was heading towards their classroom, I felt a pinch in the pit of my stomach.

Guilt. For not helping Bianca. I honestly felt terrible.

"Great job baby, I'm proud of you. I'll see you at lunch, okay?" She asked. I nodded, but not moving a muscle.

"Don't feel bad Cam, I'm sure she'll be fine." Alison kissed me on the cheek and walked away.

How am I not supposed to feel bad. I'd just stood there and watched a group of stupid boys assault her.

I gathered up enough will to start moving in the direction of my lesson but I couldn't get her face out of my mind.

Her eyes squinted shut, while she hugged her knees to her chest just letting them through hits at her and all the witnesses gathered around laughing along.

My stomach was tied in knots and my heart was racing. Is this really how terrible guilt felt like. I wasn't even the one hurt but I felt like I could start crying any second now.


I should stop thinking about it, I paced to class as quickly as I could before the second bell rang.

I walked into the class and took my seat next to Luke, the school's well known player and the defender on our football team.

As the class commenced, I couldn't help but wonder why Bianca allowed them to do that to her.

Worse yet, how I could allow them to.

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