Chapter Thirty Six - You're Sneaky, I Like It

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Chapter Thirty Six – You're Sneaky, I Like It

When Ace's mum was finally released from hospital, they moved out of their old home. Ace had managed to scrape up around fifteen thousand dollars, and Hunter lent him five thousand.

The whole gang was over, hauling Ace's belongings into the moving van. Hunter was specifically in charge of keeping David in line, which still made me laugh a little when I thought about it.

"I can't believe we didn't do this earlier," Helen sighed.

"It took me long enough to make sure we had enough money to start up," Ace chuckled.

"He won't be able to keep up rent without us," Helen laughed.

I knew there were bound to be old scars, but Ace and his mum were going to be okay. It'd taken a lot of strength to get out of that house, and now, there were only bright things for them in the future.

I was sure that Ace's exam results would seal the deal. We hadn't heard anything about Ace's scholarship application yet, but it was still too soon. They needed his mock exam results. Luckily, those were coming up in the following week.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats as Mrs Smith walked around the room, dropping off our exams. I kept my fingers crossed, for both mine and Ace's results. The clicking of Mrs Smith's heels against the ground only made the wait worse.

I saw her give Ace an impressed smile as she handed him his exam. I waited for him to turn around before mouthing "How'd you go?"

He grinned and mouthed back "Guess."

Mrs Smith handed me my exam. "Well done, as per usual," she smiled.

"Thank you," I replied.

She didn't look so impressed when she got to Hunter. He turned around and looked at me, shrugging sheepishly.

We finally had a chance to get together as a group after school. I was hoping to be pleasantly surprised by Ace. "So, let's hear it," I said.

"Eighty in chem, seventy five in maths, fifty four in English, eighty five in PE," he recalled.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "Good job!" I grinned, slapping him on the back. "Who's a great tutor, hey?"

"Wow, you are a total nerd," Hunter laughed. "That's our little Ace," he joked, swinging his arm over Ace's shoulder.

"Woah, step back. I'm taller than you you know," Ace remarked.

"If this doesn't show the panel your potential, I don't know what will," I said. "I'm sure you'll knock their socks off and win that scholarship."

"I hope so. Only the actual exams to go now."

I caught sight of Jenny leaving the hallway with her exam paper in hand. She looked up and grinned at me. "I heard about your results! Congratulations!" She exclaimed.

"Thanks," I replied. "How'd you go?"

"Not too shabby. I'm hoping to do better in the actual exams though," she smiled.

"Sure. We should all get together one last time to go over chemistry. Relive the old days," I laughed.

"It's a date!" Hunter chimed.

"I swear," I growled. He looked away innocently.

"My place, seven o'clock Saturday night," Dean announced.

We all nodded. The whole tutoring gig had gone awry, but it was more about getting together and enjoying some of our final days as high school students together.

Of course, we'd need to do a hell lot of studying to afford spending an entire night together 'studying,' which was why everyone started to leave. I was deciding that for the last time in my high school career, I would attempt studying alone in a library. It was always pretty empty in the afternoon, making it quiet.

"I'm actually heading to the library now," I said.

"I'll join you," Hunter grinned.

"Really? Are you even studying?"

"No. But I'm here for moral support."

"Don't you want to go home and rest?"

"Sure. But not as much as I wanna go to the library with you."

"Fine," I said, turning to hide the sudden rush of colour to my face.

Hunter sat down in the seat opposite me as I pulled out my textbook, notes and palm cards. There were two weeks until our entrance exams, and I needed to make sure I got the highest score possible. University preferences had all been logged, and I wanted to get into medicine.

I opened my physics textbook and started reading. I glanced up to see Hunter with his elbows on the desk, head resting on his hands, staring at me. I cleared my throat. He didn't budge.

"I can't really study with someone staring at me," I said, turning the page.

"I have some really important questions."

"Go for it," I replied.

"Is your full name Cathy Newman?"


I really had no idea where he was going with it, but I went along.

"You're a nerd bird?"

"Yeah? I mean, you've been calling me that for most of the year."

"You were on the cross country team?"


"You like the colour blue."


"You've been trapped in weird spaces with me three times?"


"You are in year twelve?"


I raised an eyebrow. Was he trying to write up a profile? This wasn't exactly very de-stressing. I started reading my textbook again, replying "yes" every time he finished saying something.


A little later.


He looked at me, smirking, looking extremely proud of himself. Then I realised what he'd said.

"Be my girlfriend?"


"That's not fair!" I shrieked.

"No take backs," he declared.

"No way."

"Yes way. Now, I'm going to be a good boyfriend, and leave you to study in peace," he grinned. He got up out of his chair and left the library.

Well, I guess I officially had a boyfriend.

And his name was Hunter. 

I Don't Like Badboys...Seriously | ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن