SEQUEL: Chasing The Bad Boy

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Chasing The Bad Boy

Recoiling from heart break, Sophie goes on a series of escapades with her bad boy saviour, only to fall for him.

The problem? He's as cold as ice and still hung up on a girl from his old high school (who, to make matters worse, attends the same university) and Sophie isn't exactly his type. However, Sophie has decided.

She's chasing the bad boy.


Ace has dealt with his fair share of annoying people -cough, Hunter, cough - but Sophie grinds his gears in a whole new way. Surprisingly naïve and sensitive, she struggles to keep her emotions in check, but the underlying sincerity in her obnoxious actions is what irks him the most.

Like a fly buzzing around near your ear. But in his brain.

And maybe in his heart.


"You're not my type," he said bluntly.

"What makes you say that?" She shot back, offended.

"Well, for one, if you were, you wouldn't be standing here right now. Two, you wouldn't have asked that question."

"How about if I change your mind?"

I Don't Like Badboys...Seriously | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang