Chapter Twenty - Sudden Meetings

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Chapter Twenty - Sudden Meetings

A few days had passed since the whole being locked up in the shed thing and Ella’s cover-up that I’d been over at her house worked perfectly, though I doubted it would work again. I’d gotten an extensive lecture that spanned through dinner and the whole night about not telling my parents where I’d gone.

Telling them that I’d been locked up in the shed by someone would have worsened things, so that was something I kept to myself.

We waited outside the gate after school for the cross country bus to come back. I wondered how our team had done – it would have been a waste if we hired a bus and drove them all down south just to lose.

“So, are you any closer to finding the culprit of this heinous crime?” Ella laughed.

“Not funny. It was freezing cold, and now I’ve got a runny nose, cough and all the other perks – like not being able to smell my food,” I snarled.

“Well, I’d like to personally thank the person for giving me ten hours with her,” Hunter proclaimed shamelessly.

“I wouldn’t,” I said.

“Oh look, the bus is here!” Jenny exclaimed, pointing at the white van looking thing that had paint peeling off its sides. It stopped and the doors slid open. One after the other the team members came out, each with a bag slung over their shoulder.

“Oh look, there he is!” Dean exclaimed as Ace clambered out. Carla was just behind him. “You missed out on so much!” He said as Ace reached us. Dean pulled out his phone and opened up something, laughing wildly as he showed Ace.

I could swear I saw his eyes widen. “What is it?” I asked cautiously. Dean proudly turned the phone around to reveal the photo that he took from the shed. “What the hell!?” I shrieked, making a grab for it. He simply held it up and that was the end of my pursuit.

“Looks like you two got yourself into more trouble while I wasn’t here,” Ace laughed. “What’d you do? Accidentally swing the door shut?”

“Actually, someone locked them in there,” Ella piped.

“You sure it wasn’t Dean being a moron?”

“Hey! I have better things to do than that!” Dean cried out childishly.

“Delete that photo or I’ll kill you,” I threatened.


“It will be a long and painful death,” I growled.


Ace snatched the phone from Dean’s hand and turned around to fend off his attacks. “Oops,” Ace said as he turned slowly. “I think I deleted all of your photos.”

“What!?” Dean shrieked.

“Sorry man. Deepest apologies,” Ace smirked.  “But seriously, was there anything worth keeping?”

Dean sulked big time, softly stroking his phone like a baby while holding it up to his ear. He was a drama queen. Drama king?

“So how’d we place?” I asked.

“Second,” Carla beamed. “We took out first place in the girls’ division though.”

“I see, so Ace let us all down, did he?” Hunter said, shaking his head slowly.

“Well son, I’d like to see you run. Besides, I came first,” Ace retorted.

“First? Out of all the guys and stuff!?” I exclaimed.

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