Chapter Six - The Timing of the World Really Sucks

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Chapter Six - The Timing of the World Really Sucks

I entered the school gate cautiously, wondering whether or not I was receiving strange stares, however, I wasn’t. I calmed down at least a tiny fraction. Upon remembering that I had chemistry first period, I groaned inwardly, grumbling as I approached Ella in the hallway.

“So how did it go!?” she asked excitedly.

“How did it go? How did it go?” I growled. “I would rather walk around upside down!” I exclaimed.

“Something happened, didn’t it?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No. It didn’t,” I lied, epically failing at it too, because I could feel my cheeks turning crimson.

“Tell me, tell me,” she urged, poking me in the arm. “Tell me!” she whined.

“I kissed her, that’s what,” came his voice from behind me. I spun around and nearly bumped straight into him. I turned back and Ella was somewhat completely mesmerised as though gazing at a God of some sort.

“Ella? El-la?” I said in a sing-song voice, waving my hand in front of her.

“Oh – yeah – what?” she said in a daze.

“Yesterday, you see, I kissed her,” Hunter smirked, leaning down so that his face was right next to mine. I edged away nervously, only to bump into the locker. “On – the – cheek” he added, emphasising each and every word, putting a finger on my cheek in the supposed spot where he’d ‘kissed’ me.

My face reddened yet again and I cursed myself for getting embarrassed so easily. “Anyway. I’ll see you in chem,” he grinned, saluting me as he walked off.

As soon as he had disappeared around the corner of the hallway, Ella immediately began totally spazzing. “You said nothing happen!” she scowled, yet remained grinning.

“Shut up,” I growled.

“You – he kissed you! Are you for real? Do you know how many girls want to be in your position right now?”

“Firstly, it was on the cheek, I doubt they’d care, and secondly, all those girls are crazy.”

“The more I see him up close, the better looking I realise he is…” she sighed dreamily.

“Snap back to the real world now.” I flicked her in the arm and grabbed my books from my locker.

We parted ways as Ella headed to Drama and I to Chemistry. Was Hunter really that good looking? I took the moment to bring his face up in my memory. Blonde-brown hair and green eyes. His smile was kind of cute. Oh my. Why on earth was I thinking this? Definitely not. No way on earth. No no no no no.

“Deep in thought?” Hunter grinned, leaning against one of the lockers outside the chem classroom.

Of all cursed faces I had to see this morning, it just had to be him didn’t it? “Hey, I asked you a question. It’s rude to ignore people y’know?” He nudged me in the elbow.

“Okay, come in,” Mrs Smith said, opening the door. The students filed in one after the other and I quickly merged with the others, hoping to get away from Hunter as quickly as possible.

“Are you still avoiding me?” he asked, still behind me. I ignored him and sat down. “Come on, that’s just childish.” I sat down and opened up my textbook – the one that was half trashed now, courtesy of Hunter and co. He looked over at the textbook and gave a stifled laugh.

Shut up. Some of us are trying to pay attention in class. Also, it was your fault that my textbook is all screwed up.

“Here,” he said, sliding a brand new textbook across the desk. “They misunderstood the reason that you were there, okay?”

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