Chapter Seventeen - I Think You're Cute

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Chapter Seventeen – I Think You’re Cute

We all quickly livened up with Dean’s tragic attempts at lightening the mood. “Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?”Dean managed in between wheezes of laughter.

“Is this going to be as lame as the last one?” Ace grunted.

“Because the ‘P’ is silent!” Dean screeched, disregarding everyone’s lack of entertainment. He continued laughing to himself, wiping away the imaginary tears.

Dylan was silent as he fell behind the rest of the group, scuffing his shoes against the gravel. I supposed getting punched in the face could really ruin the day.

We didn’t end up going on any other rides for the rest of the day, which was a shame, because I’d really been looking forward to them. There was one event that I was was really looking forward to – the cute couple thing. My inner busybody was highly interested.

And so, we squeezed in between the hundreds of people gathered around the stage. The place was bustling as the announcer walked up with three envelopes in his hand. “Welcome everyone to the fiftieth annual show!”

The crowd roared. “First up, of course, we will be announcing the winners of the cutest couple competition. First place will win two hundred dollars each. Second place wins four tickets to Arker Theme Park. Third place wins restaurant coupons. All these prizes have been generously donated by Hale Corporation.”

I looked over at Archer who shifted uncomfortably on his feet. In truth, his family had sponsored over half of the giveaways and helped fund the show.

“Third place goes to Ella Keating and Dean Sawyer!” He exclaimed.

Ella gasped and we all yelled our congratulations, shoving them through the crowd. In her moment of surprise, she looked like a blowfish, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly. Dean grinned, holding up his hand for a high five. Ella high fived him and they made their way up onto the stage.

“Yeah Dean!” Hunter laughed, clapping.

“Ella!” I exclaimed happily. “Share those coupons!” I laughed.

Second place went to some Charlotte Demaio and Keagan Rowe. First place was won by Alicia Spencer and Tyler Shaw. I had no idea who any of them were – after all, they were four people in a city with a population of over one million.

Without a doubt, the winners looked great as a couple, but I remained certain that Ella and Dean should have won; we could have used two hundred dollars. On stage, Dean had one hand in his pocket, looking around the crowd with a self-assured smirk. He finally found us and laughed while we waved enthusiastically. Ella stood, beaming proudly. Her and Dean exchanged glances and did a weird half-hug thing when they received their prize.

They eventually made their way back to us, waving the little white envelope around. “Looks like it’s your shout next time,” Ace grinned, slapping his friend on the back.

“Actually, it’s Ella’s shout. She can keep the coupon,” Dean said.

“Ooh, little Dean’s being a man,” Ace teased.


Monday came around a lot faster than expected, and I still hadn’t done any of that homework. It was another thing to add to my ever growing list of regrets.

Cross country was coming up on Thursday, and eating all of that fairy floss suddenly didn’t seem as great an idea as it did at the time. As I did on every weekday, I had breakfast, got changed and slogged to school.

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