Chapter Thirty Nine - Happily Ever After

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Chapter Thirty Nine – Happily Ever After

Apart from having tragically sore feet the next day, after spending half an hour the night of the ball scraping off all the makeup, tearing off the fake eyelashes and taking out all the bobby pins from my hair, the only memory left was that of my first kiss.

The thought of it still made my heart and mind flutter.

As promised, my date with Hunter was on the following Monday. It felt so good to be free of school and free of basically all worries – aside from the impending results and university offers, but I could worry about those later.

Hunter decided he'd pick me up. I didn't know he had his driver's license, let alone his own car, but well, Hunter had always been one to surprise. By the time Hunter arrived at my house at ten in the morning, my parents had already gone to work so I had to lock the door behind me.

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked, walking towards his car.

"Something fun."

"Could you be more specific? I'm trying to decide if these sandals are appropriate," I replied, raising my leg and wiggling my toes around in the open-toed sandals.

"They'll be fine," he said, opening the door to the passenger side.

I got in and he shut the door. He turned off onto the main road; there were a lot of places this could go, and Hunter really was unpredictable.

"Any clues you want to give me?" I prised.

"It's a place made of dreams," he replied, awestruck.

I had a feeling that the cinemas, theme park and zoo were all out of the picture. My dreams weren't exactly made of those things. His tone seemed to have an element of weird fluffiness in it. I wouldn't have been surprised if he ended up taking me to some weird "All You Can Eat Sweets" place.

However, I was surprised when he parked his car outside the newly opened petting zoo.

"Petting zoo?" I gaped.

"Yeah. Isn't it great. There are so many fluffy animals," he grinned, almost as excited as a three year old would have been over ice cream.

"What if I told you I was afraid of lots of little animals?" I replied as we walked in. Hunter paid for the entrance fee and we were handed a bag of feed each taken out to the back where there were various little stalls set up. There were little bunnies, hamsters and other small animals in various cages and within fences. On the larger side of the field were some alpacas and goats.

"Scared of animals?" He raised an eyebrow. He reached into a cage and pulled out a little brown hamster. "It's just so cute!" He exclaimed, scratching its back while it sat happily in his palm, nibbling away at the little pile of feed. "Want to hold it?" He asked, holding it up closer to my face.

"I suppose," I replied nervously.

We sat down on the bale of hay and Hunter passed the hamster into my hands. Its face was twitching as it ate the feed. What if it bit me? What if the bite got infected?

Instead, it just scurried around across my shorts while I used my hands to fence it in so it wouldn't fall off and possibly break its little legs. The little bugger was really growing on me.

Now that I thought about it, my brief relationship with this hamster was a lot like mine with Hunter. In the beginning, I avoided him and automatically assumed he was trouble. Then, he grew on me, like mould. And now, we were dating, and I'd realised he was innocent and cute as hell.

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