Chapter 39

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It was easier packing when she was leaving St. Rosemunde. There were far fewer attachments there.

Miren didn't have much, but what she did have was either propped on her mattress or piled in her suitcase. In all honesty, she had no real plan in motion. She just figured that if she could pack everything up quickly, Jeno wouldn't be able to stop her.

Half-way through, Miren decided, placing some sneakers on the cover of her suitcase. She was making progress, and with Jeno's tennis match, she knew she'd have enough time.

Until he came barging through the door.

"Jeno?" She had to stop herself from yelling. He placed his racket and bag by his bed. He began to unzip his tennis jacket before his gaze found hers. Then her bed.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked, marching toward her. She stood her ground, parting her mouth to say the coyest thing that could come to mind.

"What are you doing here?" Yeah, muy coy.

"Home game." His eyes narrowed on her suitcase. "The team sucked. So it ended quickly." Then his hands were on it, removing random articles of clothing.

"Hey!" she said, pulling his hands away. But because there was some biological rule that boys who played sports were stronger than girls who just read books, her intervention didn't do much good.

"I have to go," she said firmly, not even bothering to mask her voice like she usually did. Jeno narrowed his eyes at her, halting his resistance efforts. For now, at least.

"You're doing it again."



Miren's hands flew in the air. "Aren't you the one who's been preaching that this isn't permanent?" They fell to her side in a dramatic clap. "If I wait any longer it's just going to get harder. I can't graduate as Miles Ellison."

Her glare intensified on the boy, forcing him to see her. "I still exist, remember?"

"And I want you to exist." His gaze was soft and steady on hers. "But going back to Rosemunde right now would be like running outside in a lightning storm. Penelope will just strike back with even more vengeance."

"You don't think I know that?" She knew that St. Rosemunde was Penelope's school. That although Parker and Artemis' efforts toward her were appropriate and flattering, they really couldn't do much in an environment where Penelope reigned as queen. Or at least, where she used to reign as queen.

But things were different. Miren was stronger. She was in no mood to play the role of the weak, defenseless bookworm. Being at Rinzen had tested her inner strength. Her boundaries. And if she could survive as the only female among males, then couldn't she do a little bit better than just survive Penelope's wrath?

"Don't go back," he said softly. His hands were on her shoulders, forcing her to face him. She tried to avert her gaze, but his held strong.

"Do you really think I want to?" A large part of her didn't, even despite Artemis' valiant efforts. But another part of her felt that she had overstayed her welcome. Her goal was to survive here. Not to get comfortable. And she had.

Jeno sighed, releasing his grip. "No." He began to pace the room, rubbing a hand through his messy black hair. He stopped when he realized that he technically couldn't stop her.

"I can have the headmaster help you. He could help ensure that Penelope's in check with Headmistress Castro..." The tone of his voice made the offer sound promising...but was it wrong if she chose not to accept it?

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