The "What the hell is happening?" Q&A

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Alright, lovely people.

The end of the first part of the third book is coming to a close, with maybe around ten chapters left. I'm so glad that you all have stuck around, and I can only assure you that we will definitely be getting closer to some Incident related answers. I don't want to talk too much as I'm sure you'd all prefer me to be writing. So I'll just answer your questions below!

Q: FatAmyPitchSlappedMe : Which character do you relate to the most?

That's really hard to say. I would definitely say I used to relate with Artemis the most, but I'm not too sure anymore. There is no character in the series that I can say is like me, but I think I'm more of a fusion between her and Wallace. Like Wallace, I feel like I have a good eye for things - it's usually pretty easy for me to avoid bad situations and I always have something somewhat belittling to say toward others (of course, I keep my comments to myself. Most of the time lol.). However, like him and Artemis, I tend to care a little too much about others to the extent that I forget about my needs or wants, which is something I'm still working on.

Q: JapanimeSnipes: What is Jeno's middle name?

I have no idea. Something with an R or a C comes to mind lol. If someone wants to come up with a name, they have my permission. ;)

Q: WritingAtDawn: What inspired the series?

I've probably answered this at least three times in one of the other Q&As, but basically I'm a sucker for a good high school story/movie/book, especially when they transcend cliches (i.e Easy A, Mean Girls) and have a twist. I've always been a fan of She's the Man, and ulteregos/secret identities so this story was just a way to combine everything I love. It really became something big and dear to my heart and it's felt incredibly effortless for the past four or so years I've been writing/thinking about it.

Q: punita25:

1. Why is Levi snooping around unnecessarily?

Levi has been encouraged by Dr. Edsel, but for the most part it's his personality. He really is the male-equivalent of Jemma in a way - he's eager to know what's going on, and he's even more eager to use that information to his advantage. However, he is genuinely a caring person and doesn't want to cause true harm (just mayhem), so it's incredibly unlikely that he orchestrated the attack (Spoiler!).

2. What happened to Penelope after Chara saved her?

You'll see very soon.

3. Why does Miren insist on pushing Jeno away?

Miren has low self-esteem in the sense that she doesn't feel that she's worthy of his affections. She sees Jeno as this nice guy who is willing to do almost anything for her and she fears she will never be emotionally available to commit to him the same way he is commited to her. For this reason, I think she doesn't want to get invested in a one-sided relationship when Jeno could just be with someone a bit more emotionally available (i.e. Olive).

4.What even is Dr. Edsel doing instead taking proper actions on this situation?

Wait and see...

5. Will the next book be the last one?

Part II will be the last book. Maybe. lol

Q: ImthebestcriticALIVE:

1. Are Miren and Jeno going to end up together at the end?

Probs not.



2. Is Mirens' name pronounced as My-ren or Me-ren?


3. What on EARTH happened to Axel and Sara?

They're not dating, but we will get more of them in the upcoming chaps - particularly in part II.

Okay, that should be it for now. Feel free to keep asking questions.


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