Untitled Third Book: Chapter 2

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Unfortunately, troubled minds had the tendency to think alike.

Jeno was still talking himself out of marching over to Rosemunde before realizing he had already made the trek to the institution. He tightened his hands into fists as he entered the space. Despite the space being much warmer than the artic tundra that was the outdoors, a chill ran down his spine. There was just something particularly hate-able about the school, and he hadn't even run into anyone worthy of his hatred yet.

As he passed the dated corridors he felt whatever high he had before die down almost completely. Great, he was coming to his senses. And his senses were telling him that infiltrating the refractory was a bad idea. Of course, he was already inside the space when this idea hit him hard. A couple of girls (okay, quite a few girls) spun around in his direction, as if his mere presence was more sacred than the holy cross that hung on the opposite wall. Then there were whispers. Giggles. He groaned internally as he abandoned all reservations and headed toward his table of interest.

"Jeno?" Jemma was the first to chime. "You think I would have seen you here for lunch at least once these past four years." Her eyes narrowed, but not without flickering subtly. "So to what do I owe this intrusion? Are you going to apologize to Theodora?"

Jeno could sense his ex's eyes were on him from one of the neighboring tables, but he ignored the sensation in lieu of focusing on the people before him. Aside from Jemma, Penelope, Klondike, and some other wannabe Rosemunde Royals who might have well have just been seat-fillers, no one of interest occupied the table. Part of him wondered where Chara was, considering the fact she was apparently Penelope's new lackey, but he figured she must have been off somewhere getting wasted.

With an exhaled he turned to Penelope, who was texting on her phone. "You," he said with as much restraint as possible. But it was hard, considering the fact that he hated everyone at the table. Well, except Jemma.

By default.

The evil incarnate looked up, blinking suspiciously. "I have a name, Jeno. I'd prefer if you'd use it." She smiled, flashing her artificially white teeth. "Then again, I'm glad to see you outgrew your stutter."

"I'm glad to see your career as a porn star is taking off," he wanted to say so badly. But instead he rolled his eyes. "Amusing as always, I see."

"I try."

"Anyway," Jeno said, folding his arms. "I was wondering if you've seen Miles. He seemed upset about something earlier this week and he hasn't been in school for a few days. Everyone else is clueless, but he considers you to be a friend, so I wanted to ask."

"Seriously?" The smug smile on Penelope's lips evaporated, restoring all fate that she could actually show care about others. "And he hasn't called you or anyone else?" Jeno shook his head. "Shit."

"I have a feeling that he's fine and just got caught up with his family or something, but I have to help him with his solo for our upcoming orchestra festival
and Mr. Gales is freaking out." Jeno pressed his lips together as he waited for her to say something useful. He hated talking to her like this, like she was a person or a decent human being. But he was confident that this was a waste of time. He didn't see how Penelope of all theoretical people could be the exception.

"Instincts are a powerful indicator," Penelope assured him, taking a small sip from her coconut water. "Maybe you should try talking to Dr. Edsel. We can go together if you want."

Klondike started oohing and if Jeno didn't have the urge to murder before, he certainly did now. He allowed his gaze to focus on the witch woman. He was realizing that out of all the Revengers he never actually got close to her, let alone spoke to her. He commanded the others blindly without getting a true scope on what they were dealing with. And now their justice league was in shambles.

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