Chapter 6

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Dad took the information more better than mom. She was very upset that I kept my girls a secrecy from the family.

When she asked me the reason why I could not give her a plausible answer. The reasons how I justified myself in my head all those years ago seem so childish beyond belief.

Now I realise being in the same room as my parents and they knowing the truth. I was more scared of the rejection in their eyes. So I rejected them first. Hurting everyone in the process.

Tell the truth to save the girls.

The sentence that Natasha told me keep ringing in my head.

Sitting in the car ride on the way home with my mum. I now understood. To stop hurting from hurting the girls emotionally. I must let all my secrets out. But how.

Mum began to fidget in her seat the closer we got to the house. Smarting up her appearance and patting down her hair.

"I hope they like me." She said quietly to herself.

I picked up her hand holding it steady then instantly released it. That was the first time in over five years that I had physical contact with my mother.

We just were not close. The bond that I have formed with my girls. I just don't feel that with my mother. When I touch her I feel like I am invading a strangers personal space. The last time I remembered hugging her was when I was sixteen and failed a maths test.

She scolded me for not doing enough homework. Instead of telling me to just improve for next time. So I just didn't bother going to her with my emotional needs. I went to my dad who supported me. Who she deemed too soft to discipline me.

A part of me wondered if Natasha did have it easy.

"The girls. They don't judge people." I said to her. "As long as you're polite. You will have no problems with them."

Mum snorted. "I am always polite."

I discreetly nodded my head over to Daniel who was sitting by Lisa. Mum first meeting with him. Was not nice. She accused him of knocking up her teenage daughter causing her to run away to a foreign country

To Daniel credit he took it like a man. He doesn't know the girls father identity it is something that I found to hard to reveal. Now that he is working for the Sinclair brothers I need to tell him my sordid truth.

The car stopped outside my house. Everyone got out first leaving me alone in the limo for a moment with my mother.

She straightens her dress for the fourth time. "I am... Sorry." She said looking me in the eye. "I want us to start again. With your father being sick I can see that I was not a good mother to you."

I gulped part of the ice around my heart melted. These were the words that I needed to hear. "Thanks."

I got out the car. Daniel was already up the steps with the door open. Lisa and Nathan were sitting down in the living room.

The girls were on the rug colouring crayons on the floor and papers all around them.

"Hanna." Andrea greeted me, pulling me into a hug. "Your girls are so well behaved." She looked back over to them. "Makes me wish to of had twin girls of my own."

I began to pant. My mouth was open in shock. When they said babysitter. I didn't realise they meant Justin and Jackson mother.

"They are gorgeous." Mum said looking at them from beside me. "They look just like Natasha children."

Claimed by the Sinclair Brothers. [Book 2 Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora