Chapter 13

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After sleeping in the spare room I got the girls ready for their first day at the private school that they will be attending.

"Will MJ and Marc be there?" Tina asked me as I fastened the bubble in her hair.

"Yeah baby." I kissed her cheek making sure that her shirt looked straight. "You be in the same class."

Jacky jumped up and down when we heard the car beep from outside.

"Mummy!" Jacky ran over to hug me. Looking identical to her sister in the uniform. "Will I make any friends."

I hugged her back. "You will make loads and loads of friends."

Tina shook her head taking her sisters hand. "Jacky don't need any friends." She stuck out her bottom lip. "I'm her friend."

"I know you are. And you both going to have more friends." I opened the door. Waving at Max sitting in the car. Marcus came out to open the door. The kids saw the boys.

"Bye mommy." The girls said running to the car.

I continued to waved till the car sped away down the street.

I went back in to tidy the house as Daniel already left for work.

"Hello?" Natasha shouted as she came in through the front door. "Anyone in?"

"I am in the kitchen." I shouted as soon as I heard her come in.

I put the dishes away in the cupboard.

"You coming to the hospital today?" Natasha sat down on the stool at the breakfast bar. "Dad is being discharged today. He is in remission."

I sat down opposite her. "That is great." 

"I know."  She placed her bag on the table. "It's mums birthday today. So we be going to a restaurant today. Dad says he is feeling up for it."

"Don't you think we should do something low key?" I suggested. "It is dad first day back out the hospital."

Natasha shook her head. "We need to act normal. Dad had enough of us weeping at his bedside."

I nodded. "This makes perfect sense." I got up from my stool. "Would you like some English tea?"

"Tea?" Natasha pulled a face as I put the kettle on. "You actually drink that stuff?"

I nodded my head. "Taste quite nice."

"Good thing I came for you when I did. Now you be telling me you are going to eat fish and chips on a Friday." She joked.

"Don't knock it till you tried it." I said as I poured hot water into the cup on top of my Tetley tea bag. "Hmm..."

Natasha made a sour look. "I prefer ice tea." She looked to me as I sat back down. "So have you thought any more on how you're going to handle Justin and Jackson when you see them tonight?"

I gulped down a lot of hot tea I felt it scorch my throat because of that unexpected question. "I am just going to play it cool."

I haven't seen Justin and Jackson since the night almost three weeks ago now.

"Don't you think it's time to tell them about the girls?" Natasha advised. "It's bad enough that they missed five years. But to miss out on their entire lives is just selfish of you. The girls have a right to know who their real fathers are."

I sat there quietly. Listening to what she had to say. She was right I did need to tell them.

"I don't know how to tell them." I said honestly. "I wrote them a letter once. I even sent it before I had the chance to talk myself out of it. But it must not of reached them. As I know for certain they would have been on the first flight to England if they had read the letter."

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