Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Hanna POV

Sitting upright in the hospital I could barely contain my excitement as Justin opened the door for Jackson to come walking to the hospital room holding my baby boy.

"Pass him here!" My voice sounded foreign to my own ears. A small part of me thought that I would never see him again. That Daniel had whisked him away forever, on a chocked sob to Jackson placed him into her arms.

He opened his eyes and she was able to see his blue eyes for the first time with short dark hair on the top of his head. He looked just like his fathers, I glanced up to see them both looking at their son with love in their eyes.

Justin reached out a lone finger to trace our baby boys cheeks. "What is his name?"

I looked down at his face, we talked about baby names before this event. "What do you guys want to name him?" I took the choice away from them when naming our daughters. I found it only fitting that they should name our son.

Jackson looked at Justin like they were having their own private conversation. Justin broke the stare to speak to me. "We been thinking and if you agree we would like to call him Kaiden. Means fighter. And that is what this little one is. He been fighting ever since he been conceived."

I nodded thinking that is a fine fit of a name for our son. Since he been conceived he has been through a lot.

"Hello Kaiden." I cooed to him letting him hold my little finger in his fist. "I am your mummy."

Justin sat down next to the bed leaning over looking at him. "The girls can't wait to meet their little brother."

Jackson took the seat the opposite side of this brother. "Carson found your father. He is with our parents. He is fine at the moment, just healing with my parents."

I am so glad that they managed to find him before he did anything serious. He is the only parent that I have left and now that I been back in the states after so many years abroad I feel that we should use this opportunity to get closer. He beat cancer, he has so much to live for.

"How are my babies?" I asked them, they haven't seen them today, as they have been with Andrea.

Jackson laughed. "They are getting spoiled. I been letting them see a therapist, the have stopped wetting the bed. They are speaking out more about their fears now."

I nodded my head grateful that the twins were looking after the girl's mental health. Everything in the past couple of months is enough to send a grown person into a mental breakdown.

"Have the Doctors said anything about when you are due to go home?" Justin asked holding my hand.

"She hasn't said anything to me yet. She said she would give me an update later on today." I looked between the two of them. "Would you like to stay for the appointment?"

"Of course," Jackson said covering my hand that held our son. "We will always be there for you. Forever."

"Forever." Justin echoed looking intensely into my eyes.

Smiling at them, I felt this warmth spread through my chest. I recognise it instantly as love. "I love you."

Jackson became teary "I love you with all my heart and soul. It will be yours forever Hanna." He leaned up to kiss me on the lips.

"I love you with every fibre of my being." Justin kissed me on the cheek them firmly on the mouth. "I cannot live another day without you! Where is this doctor?"

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