Chapter 27

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Hanna POV

I shared an amused look with Justin as soon as Natasha left. I don't know how she could jump to the conclusion that Tiffany was Laura.

"Who is Tiffany?" Laura asked coming to sit next to me. She looked upset at the whole scenario.

"Erm..." I scratched my leg. "She is this crazy person that stalked Justin and Jackson twin brothers. A crazy psycho that believed that the Sinclair brothers were in love with her. She escaped from prison the other day. Since the attack I think Natasha has a feeling that Tiffany will be coming back to hurt them in some way as she think she is still obsessed."

Laura leaned back in the chair crossing her legs. "Really? I haven't heard of this. Are you sure they never lead the woman on or something for her to get that idea in her head?"

Justin leaned down to take a hold of my hand to help stand me up. "You don't know her." Justin said to Laura. "She is delusional. I just praying that she was not involved in the shooting that happened."

Jackson shook his head. "The shooting doesn't sound like something she would do. She wouldn't want to bring any harm to our brothers."

I nodded agreeing with Jackson. "Tiffany is all sort of things but she would not want to hurt the people that she thinks love her."

"Where are you off too?" Laura asked us when we were about to leave the room.

Jackson blinked having a fazed look on his face. I could tell he wanted to say something along the lines on who-the-hell-are-you?

I touched him on his arm diverting his attention away from Laura to me. He smiled looking down at my hand that touched him.

"Don't you have apartments to look for?" Justin said instead walking out the room with me and Jackson. "Where are the kids?"

Jackson spoke up. "I told Melissa to take them out for ice cream. They should be back by supper time."

"That is a great idea." I told him.

"Hanna." Dad called to me as we were in the kitchen. "I still want to go by the house. I need..." His voice cracked. "I need to see..."

I went over to him to give him a hug. "Of course..." I looked over to the twins nodding my head. "We will go with you." I took his hand.

I spent so many years running from my home, from my family that when I came back home I didn't realise that I would only have a short amount of time to spend with my mother. I am glad that I came back that I got to show her my daughters and to let go of the anger that I held towards her.

She wasn't the best mother and I was not the best daughter however I loved her. I loved my mother. All the things I took for granted I cannot tell her how grateful I am now.

"I get the car ready." Jackson said as he left the room.

I walked to the closet to put on my coat. As I walked back into the room I saw my dad sitting at the breakfast bar talking with Laura. He was smiling.

"That's Jackson." Justin said after we heard a loud car horn from inside the house.

Dad slid off the stool standing next to Laura placing a hand on her shoulder. "Thank you Laura. That was very nice of you."

"What was nice of her?" I asked him when we was leaving the house. Justin held the car door open for me to slide into.

"She offered to help me clean the house." Dad explained. "She says she lost her own mother and know how hard it is to go through someone belongings as you want them with you." He looked me in the eye. "She is very wise."

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