Chapter 36

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"Mummy!" Jacky yelled running up to jump on the space on the sofa next to me. "You're getting fat!" She poked me in the stomach.

I tapped her on the nose with my finger. "You're getting cheekier everyday."

Leaning back on the sofa I pressed the button on the remote to increase the volume on the television to Toni Braxon unbreak my heart.

Tina had already fallen to sleep beside me her head in my lap. I began to play with the small tendrils of dark hair on her face.

"Mummy..." Jacky asked me quietly her face still watching the music video on the television. "Where's daddy Daniel?"

I almost chocked on my spit as I was not expecting that question to pop out of her mouth.

"He is living elsewhere darling." I lifted my arm drawing her to my side.

Looking down I noticed that she was playing with her fingers. She obviously wanted to say something more. After a couple of minutes of watching the next music video she spoke.

"Is it because you love our daddies more?" Her baby blue eyes looked at me for confirmation.

"Yeah baby. That is right." I told her stroking the curls away from her cheek.

"So my new daddy won't leave like MJ and Marc daddy?" She blinked a couple of times holding back the tears 

"Oh darling no!" I hugged her as much as I could. "They are your daddies forever." I kissed the top of her head.

It's been a week since Max moved out of the house that he shared with Natasha and the kids.

To say the family hasn't been effected would be an understatement. The kids took it the worst thinking that their parents has broken up.

To be honest the way things are heading it looks that way for sure. After over hearing what Max said to Marcus I could see things from his point of view. Natasha needs to stop being so stubborn and go and her man.

"What is going on?" Justin stride into the room with a bag that read crispy creams doughnuts.

Jackson followed not so far behind this time with things from the baby store. His parents hosted a baby shower party for me earlier on this week. So we basically have everything already for this little to make their appearance.

However many staff at his work place has been giving the twins gift these past couple of months. Even though this were our third child.

It feel like the first as it was the first that we were sharing all these experiences that we should have shared with the girls.

I felt a pang in my heart at the thought of all the missed years that them and the girls have been robbed of because of me.

Looking down at Jacky it makes sense why she is asking if there is a chance she might lose her daddies that she just found.

When I was trying to protect myself I have inadvertently broken my children.

"Nothing." I replied. "Everything is fine."

Justin gave me a side look. "I got goodies for them to have later."

I shook my head. "You are going to let them develop diabetes."

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