What Happened To My Memories?

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Ow! My head! It feels like it's splitting in half!

I hold onto my head as I sit up and look around.

Am...I in a park?

I'm laying in the middle of a path. There are benches lining the sides of the path that are about ten feet apart from the one before it. So simply it's diagonal. There are trees here and there and lamp posts where they are needed. Seems like a park to me. It's dark, so no one's around to help me.

Great.........So which way should I go to find someone?

I sigh to myself as I stand up. I look around once more and then start walking on the path. After a while I end up in the woods.

Freak! Wrong way! Totally the wrong way!

I turn around and walk on the path in the opposite direction from before. At some point while I'm walking I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around but I see nothing. I continue looking for another moment then resume walking. Soon after resuming I hear the footsteps again. I spin around but...nothing....again.

What the....I KNOW I heard something.

I turn around and start running. And guess what I hear? Footsteps running after me. I'm to scared to turn around, so I continue running...the footsteps continue, too.

Freak! Freak! Freak! FReak! FREAK!

My breathing is starting to become labored as I run with all my might down the path.

I don't....think...th-that I can...run f-for much lon-longer. B-but I kn-know that I-I've got to keep go-going! Who knows what'll happen i-if I do!

That's when i accidentally trip over a rock. Luckly I catch myself with my hands instead of with my face. I grunt slightly because it's obvious that I've scraped my hands on the concrete since pain is shooting up my arms. I hurriedly get up, but unlucky a hand roughly takes hold of my arm. I spin around to face my capture and come face to face with a man that seems to be in his early twenties.

Oh loving crap!

"Well hello there pretty little lady. Where do you think your running off to?"

I feel chills go down my spine as he speaks those words in his deep voice. I try to pull my arm out of his grip but it's futile. He ends up pulling me closer to him and I yelp.

"H-hey! Let me go!" I scream as I struggle to get away from him. This seems to tick him off since his expression turns to one of rage, but I don't stop fighting back and yelling. I know if I do something bad will happen, so I can't and won't stop struggling.

"Stop screaming! No one's gonna here y-"

Suddenly the man is knocked out and he falls to the ground as he lets go of me. I look up to see who or what knocked him out and my eyes meet dark green ones.

"Are you okay?" He ask in a worried voice.

I slowly nod as a reply.

I'm suddenly....feeling light headed.

Once that that thought croses my mind everything goes black and I feel myself fall. The last thing I feel before I passout is strong arms catching me.


Yay another story is out and started! I just randomly got the idea for this and decided to start writing! To be honest this story is kinda dedicated to makaylajordan123. She was upset when I finished my first love story, so I decided to make another one just as sweet and romantic maybe even more so! But either way I can't wait till next time! See ya!

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