As Fate Would Have It

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Seina's Pov:

Wait, where are

My eyes widen in shock. We are in heaven. Saito seems to stop breathing as his eyes scan the whole area. And you wanna know what else? We're smack-dab in the middle of the Council room where all of the council members can see us including the rest of heaven.

I'm still tightly griping Saito's hand, and, as that slowly dawns on me, my face starts to heat up. Saito gulps loudly while I find a way to calm us both down.

I hear a chuckle come from God and snap my head over to look at him. Everyone focuses on him, most likely questioning why Saito and I are here. Heck, I am too!

"I know you are all wondering why I brought a fallen angel and demon here." There are a lot of nods and murmurs that arise at that statement. I even nod in agreement.

"As you all know, a few months ago a problem arose. This problem was that one of my advisers was working against me with Satan." More talking could be heard as he said that, and quite a few people glare at me. I look down because I know what they're thinking and it ashames me. At that moment, Saito squeezes my hand in reassurance, and I do the same back.

"The little evidence I had to go on pointed to the now fallen angel, Seina." I gulped. "But new evidence has surfaced." My palms are increasingly getting more sweaty by the second. Gasp are heard throughout the multitude of rooms, and even a few shouts.

God turns to the two of us with a warm smile and ask, "Saito, will you please tell us everything you know about this situation?"

Saito's bi-colored eyes widen in horror and shock. I stare at God then turn my attention to the one I love. Said male let's out an extremely shaky breath before glancing at me.

"I...uh, w-well you see...uhh," he stops short because of nerves along with all the glares he is receiving.

I gain some courage and glare back at them. Most look surprised while the rest just glare in return. can do this! I know you can!

Seina...I'm terrified.

Dude. You can talk to SATAN! I'm pretty sure compared to him these people are nothing.

I....that actually makes a lot of sense.

Saito sighs in frustration, running a hand through his mainly raven colored hair while the other grips mine tightly. He looks back up and locks eyes with God.

"As you've said already: one of your advisors were working against you with lo-...Satan." He pauses to look at me before continuing with, "the thing you have wrong though is that it was Seina, but in fact it wasn't. She was framed."

Saito takes a glance at the advisers. One of the older looking ones stands up and slams his hands down on the table. The man ask angerly, "why should we believe you? You are a demon! And by the looks of it, the two of you are together!"

Saito smirks while repling, "you didn't let me finish. Ah, but before I continue, you don't have to believe me. God knows the truth. Plus, Seina and I are together. Now back to what I was saying before you interrupted me.

Satan was forming a plan to bring down heaven when I first became a demon. When he decided that he knew how to use me, he had told me that he wanted to make a fallen angel since one of these creatures were the only ones powerful enough to destroy heaven and him still be able to control. The problem was that there haven't been fallen angels in centuries, so he decided to put a plan into action to make one.

He was able to get an angel, one of God's advisers at that, to help him out. Together they decided to set up Seina since this angel thought that she can easily be manipulated. Satan decided to strengthen his chances by making me play with her emotions. To get her to fall in love with me. He was a little misguided though since I fell in love with Seina as well as her with me."

Saito smiles gently at me as both of our faces heat up. I smile back then squeeze his hand.

Saito looks back at God then announces, "I also know who this angel is."

"Oh, please do tell," God laughs as his gaze moves to the table his advisers are sitting at.

"It's the one that just had an outburst about if I can be believed," Saito replies bluntly.

The man he's accusing looks shocked then angry. He lets out a low growl before yelling, "you have no proof of that, and besides, there is no reason for me doing such a thing!"

"Actually, there is," Saito counters with a smirk. "You have always been jealous of Seina because she got more attention than you from God, and he noticed her accomplishments more than yours."

The man looks infuriated as his face turns 50 shades of red. I almost burst into laughter at the look of him. The only reason a don't is because pain shoots through my head. I stagger forward, and Saito quickly supports my body. Everything after this moment is a blur. All I can remember is my lovers worried laced voice as I slowly slip into unconsciousness.

~time skip brought to you because of my laziness~

When I open my eyes, everything is numb. My head pounds as I sit up slowly, and I soon notice the hunched over figure of Saito. His head is laying on the bed right beside where my thighs are while he grips onto my hand with one of his own. I run my free hand through his hair as I try to remember the events leading up to now. He stirs then sits up slowly. I giggle as I notice the way his messed up hair looks, and he stiffens. Saito's bi-coloured eyes are filled with tears to the brim, there are bags under his eyes, and he's extremely pale. I knit my brows together in worry while he stutters over his words.

"'re-I am so, so glad you're awake...a-after so lo-long..."

I stare into his eyes then smile up at him. He slowly reaches forward with his free hand and cups my cheek. I lean into Saito's warm touch then ask, "how long have I been unconscious?"

His expression shows one of great pain as he rememers the answer to my question. I close my eyes and let out a soft, shaky sigh. I can't stand seeing him like this.

"Y-you've been unco-nscious for o-over a y-ear."

My breathing halts, and my eyes snap open to look into his. I whisper, "'ve waited for me that long? Why didn't you just...give up on me?"

He finally smiles at me and whispers huskly, "I'm in love with you...there's no way I would ever give up on you."

I smile back at him then lean forward. Saito does the same, and our lips connect. They seem to fit perfectly together as we share our feelings for the other through our blissful contact. When we finally pull away, a pink color dusts our cheeks, and I can't be more happy to see his handsome face.

~~time skip~~

While I was a sleep a lot of things had happened. The angel who helped frame me was banished to hell, I had gotton my wings back, and Saito...well God turned him into an angel. For us, it all worked out, and now we can't be happier. We get to be with the person we love the most.

Well this is the final feels bittersweet to me since I'm happy about finishing it but sad at the same time. Eh, this'll allow me to write on my other account so...*shrugs* I guess I'll be fine.

If you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and/or vote! See ya in another story!

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