Saito! This Isn't Fair!

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Seina's Pov:

" time is it?" I ask myself outloud. My eyelids slowly open, and they meet with my light blue ceiling. I raise my right hand to my face and rub my eyes.

Nooo...I want to know what time it is?! I gotta get up!

"Huu....but I don't wanna get up *yawn* at the same time..."

Seina, Are you awake?

Yeah..I am......what time is it?

Huh? Oh! It's 6:56.




We're gonna start your training at 8. Got it?

Yeah. Fine.

See ya in an hour.

No breakfast?

Yeah. We're gonna eat, but I'm bringing it.

Fine. See you later. Bye Saito.

Bye Sunshine.

I blush at the nickname he gave me and bury my face in my hands. I mumble in embarrassment, "i-idiot."

~time skip~

"Looks like you're ready, Seina. Now let's get to the training hall," Saito says as he starts off down the hallway. I hurridly run to him so that I won't be left behind. Unfortunately, his strides are larger than mine causing me to have to walk twice as fast.

"Hey, Saito, slow down a little, will you."

"No. You walk faster."

I pout in frustration then grab his right hand. I intertwine our fingers together, and I'm pretty sure I seen him blush out of the corner of my eye. He turns his head away as we both enter a large, open room. I look around and notice that there are weapons all around the room, they're on the walls and on tables.

Wow! This is A LOT of weapons!

I look over at Saito, and he seems to be lost in thought. I sigh then puch his arm.

"Ow! Hey! What was that for?!" He ask as he rubs his arm.

"For not paying attention," I reply as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Okay fine. I'll 'pay attention' now," he pouts.

I smile at him then go back to looking at the multitude of weapons.

Katanas, short swords, AK-47s, knifes, pistols, shotguns, snipers, and so much more. Now shall we start your training?

I look back at him and nod firmly. I walk up to him, and he picks up one of the knifes then hands it to me.

"Lets start off simple with a knife. Now, for this first day I want you to try and at least nick me with that knife. Once you are able to do that than we'll go onto harder things. Got it?"

"I...yes I got it."

"Good because I'm not gonna go easy on you," he replies as he puts his hands into his pant's pockets.

I take a deep breath then focus on him. I bend my knees, grip the handle, then lung forward, straight towards him.

And I miss...and fall on my face. I sit up then pout in dissatisfaction. He lets out a sigh as he reaches out and pulls me up by my arm.

"Are you okay, Seina?"

"Yeah. I'm fine, but my nose hurts a little. Besides that, I'm fine!" I reply with a shy smile.

"Okay then. Let's continue."

I nod firmly as I ready myself once again. I breath out slowly to calm my nerves then lung forward again.

And I miss....again.


I sit on the ground with my legs crossed. I sigh in frustration while Saito laughs.

"Ah, Sunshine! I didn't know that this was going to be so hard for you!" He laughs while holding his stomach.

"Oh, shUT UP! I'M AN ANGEL! I WASN'T REQUIRED TO KNOW HOW TO FIGHT TO DO MY JOB!" I yell as I grip onto to my shorts.

His eyes widen as he replies quickly, "I know. It's just your skills are lower than average, and I'm barely trying."

I look at him dumbfounded for a moment to process then my face turns red in anger. "You said you weren't going to go easy! You liar!"

I jump to my feet then turn towards the door to rush out, but Saito instead grabs my arm and prevents me from leaving.

"I'm sorry that I lied, but you still have to train, Seina."

The look in his mismatching eyes catches me off guard and I'm unable to reply. I nod slowly, and he releases my arm from his grip.

I get this weird, unsettling feeling in my stomach as I gaze at his back. It almost....hurts.

Saito...this isn't fair...

Gomenasai! I know that I haven't undated in months, and I'm so sorry for that! I'm not gonna lie, I did just put it off at times but at others I really was buzy.

Now since I've kinda gotten settled back into school I'm planning on focusing more on this book and my other book Umarekawari. (That's my plan. Something could happen to change that.)

I know I owe more chapters than this, but you'll just be getting this for now.

See ya next time! Bye!

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