The Truth and The Choice

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The picture is of the demon. I don't own it sadly. :(


I fall back onto my behind as the memories invade my mind. My breathing is labored and I grab onto my head as pain shoots through my senses from there.

I' angel. Wow. H-how? here?

~~flash back brought to you cause I want to get to the romance sooner~~

"B-but Sir! I told you! I didn't do it! I was set up! PLEASE! Believe me!" I try to convince God, but he has already made up his mind it seems as he shakes his head.

"Sorry Seina. The evidence is stacked against you. I'm sorry, but I have to take your wings," He says with down cast eyes. My heart sinks at the realization that when he takes my wings I....

"...I'll fall from grace."

He gives me a sad smile as he starts the process of removing my wings. And let me tell you. It DOES NOT feel good in the slightest. It's an excruciating pain that overwhelms me. I start to scream bloody murder because of the pain and tears form in my eyes. Soon black starts to invade my vision and I pass out. The last thing I hear is someone saying the words 'have hope' then feel myself falling as air rushes past me.

~~back to present day~~

As the memories fade, my vision focuses on the demon from before. He's been standing there staring at me since the memories started.

"Wha-what do you want?" I ask shakenly.

He reaches his hand out to me and-in a deeper voice then I expected-ask, "do you remember now?"


"Do you remember why your wings were taken away?"

".....That's because...I was set up of the head advisors."


He.....knows the truth,

He still has his hand stretched out to me, but I don't take it. I stand up on my own.

I can't be around him. It's against the law. That and....I don't want to give anyone evidence that can be used to falsely accuse me.

He smirks at me almost like he knows what I'm thinking. I'm a little startled by it.

"Wha-what is it?" I ask hesitantly.

"Nothing. But you should know're coming with me," he replies smugly.

"What! No way! I'm not going with you anywhere!" I shout as a rush back inside, but he grabs hold of my arm, preventing me from doing so. I spin back around and give him a questioning look. His eyes are down cast and he looks....sad. He ask in a small voice,"not even....on a date?"


What the what? What's he talking about? A date?

His one question seems to totally throw me off. As I'm in the mist of my thoughts the door behind me opens and out steps Daisuke.

"Hey? What's going on back here?" He ask as he closed the door behind him. I hurridly turn around to face him in surprise, and I hear the demon snicker as I do so.

"Shut up!" I whisper annoyed with him. He seems to be even more amused with me as he laughs lightly.

"S, who's he?" Daisuke ask.

"S?" The demon questions as he looks at me. I turn half way to him and reply,"since I only remembered what letter my name started with, Daisuke decided to just call me 'S'. Does that answer your question?"


"Good. Now to answer your's, Daisuke." I say as I fully turn to face him. "This is-"

"Saito Yemon. Her boyfriend."

"What?!" I yell in surprise at his untruthful answer.

I look to Daisuke and he looks shocked and almost........depressed. As I continue gazing at him I hear 'Saito' laugh behind me and I spin around to face him, but....he isn't there. I turn back around to look at Daisuke, but I immediately notice that something is wrong.

Blood? W-why is there blood soaking his shirt and why is there some c-coming from his mouth?

I continue looking to grasp the whole picture, and when I do....I hate it. So very much.

"Dai-Daisuke?.....Saito?! Wha-why?!" I ask panickyly as warm tears form in my hazle eyes.

This can't be! Daisuke isn't dead!

But he is, and I know this in my heart.....I just don't want to believe it. He's done so much for me. I don't want to let go. But I have to face human can live through having their heart ripped out of their chest.


Well that was.....brutal.

Well anyways I decided to make a quick chapter since I won't be able to update next week because of testing, and I want to do somthing with my newest story "Can't Be Undone" this week. (That and I have recently started watching Blue Exorcist! It's amazing!)

See ya next time! Bye!

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