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(He's at a club, so there won't be an entry in this specific part! Sorry about that, ahaha.)

It's been a good hour since Sienna and I arrived at this club she was completely enthusiastic about going to. Funny, she wanted to get me to make friends when she ended up ditching me to do her own thing. I watched all the commotion going on from a seat at the bar. Dancing, drinking, sexual stuff. Nothing amused me whatsoever and I'm beginning to think Sienna just brought me here for her own entertainment. Sighing, I got up from my seat and decided to walked around. I ended up finding myself on the dancefloor to do what I really came here for; to make friends. I scouted around the dancefloor, seeing only groups that would surely reject me. I began to give up after a long search for someone who would want to talk to me. And it was right at that moment that someone caught my eye. turning my body to face what had caught me, I saw a girl. No, she surely wasn't any girl. She was beautiful. Her angelic face with the dimmed light shining on her porcelain skin. She gracefully danced while surrounded by her friends. I couldn't resist. Staring at her wouldn't ever be enough for me. Walking up to her, I grabbed her hand and spun her around so I could face her. I could easily make out her sea green eyes and brown hair that fell into curls.

"Hello there." I said, grinning down at her. She was surprised that a stranger was taking to her maybe. "Would you like to dance, Mademoiselle?" I asked her, staring right into those gorgeous eyes of hers.

"I may as well." She replied. And with that, I spun her, watching as she gracefully made her way back to me.

"Do you dance, sir?" she asked me. I chucked at her question.

"No, but tonight feels like a good night to learn." I said as she giggled and led me in a dance routine she might have practiced numerous amounts of times. We finished half an hour later, when she broke away and said her goodbyes.

"Well, stranger. Thank you for the dance." she told me.

"Actually, I'm Alexander." I waited for a name in return.

"Annie." She put a hand out, and I shook it softly. Before she left, I took hold of her hand once more.

"Well, Annie. I don't want to lose such a great dance partner like you." I began. "Lets exchange numbers. We can do something like this again."

Annie pulled a pen from her pocket, (which I didn't exactly know how it could stay in there for so long, but whatever), and wrote her number on the back of my hand. I did the same and we went out separate ways. Sitting back down at the stool I was at before, I felt a feeling of accomplishment. Annie might be my first friend since... Nevermind. I funny want to talk about the 'since' part.

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