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Entry Five

Sienna taking me to a club wad maybe the greatest thing to ever gotten to me. Honestly, I haven't stopped thinking about her. Annie, the girl who danced with me. She was tattooed to my brain and I loved to think about her every second. Its been two days since I met her. I have her number, just a bit too shy to do anything with it.

Closing my journal, I walked into the kitchen with a grin on my face. Sienna speed that grin and chucked.

"I see that a visit to the club fixed you up." She said. I could tell from her expression that she felt accomplished for making me happy.

"Mind you, it wasn't the club. It was this girl and..." I was cut off by a loud gasp they escaped from Sienna's mouth.

"What's her name, Alexander?" she asked me. I smiled at the ground. "Annie." I watched as the smile on her face disappeared.

"You don't mean the really pretty girl with the brown hair and green eyes and dances a bunch?" I nodded at her description of the Annie I was speaking of.

"Alexander, of all girls you go for HER? You go for Annie Everlark. I'm sorry, but you're a complete idiot." Sienna yelled. I didn't understand. What could be so wrong about being into her?

"Didn't anyone tell you, Alexander? She's the definition of emotionally unstable. She's going to hurt you so bad, and the worst part of that she didn't even mean to. Her mind is just so fucked up. I think you should stay away from her." Sienna suggested. I shrugged, feeling like Sienna was being overprotective and judgemental.

"She's beautiful, Sienna. I think she's fine. She even danced with me and have me her number." I was defending a girl a barely knew, yes. Annie was fine. I can't get hurt anymore than I already am. Sienna continued to rant about Annie, so I went back into my room. Grabbing my phone, I began to type out a text to Annie.

'Hey it's Alexander from the other night. Would you like to go to Daughtry Park with me tomorrow?'

and with that, I sent the text, receiving a reply within ten minutes.

'Sure. Lets meet around one.'

I sighed, knitting that I just set up a hangout with Annie.

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