Sudden Feeling

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I woke up next to Annie, my arm wrapped around her, as if I was guarding her from all danger. I could tell it was already the next morning, since it was brighter than it was when we had fallen asleep. I brushed a strand of hair from Annie's face to reveal that she was still sleeping. She looked so young and innocent. Like she never felt any pain mentally or physically. I couldn't bring myself to wake her. I carefully got out of bed, grabbed some scratch paper and a pen and wrote a note to Annie, telling her I had to get back home and that I'd see her around. I left the note on her dresser and left. 

Entry 9

The only thing on my mind right now is Annie. Its like ever since I've met her I've changed, and for the better. I was reading through my older journal entries, and realized how much my attitude as changed. To be honest, I'm falling for Annie. I've known her for three weeks, but I can't help myself. She's beautiful, she's real. And she had her meltdowns, but so do I. As humans, we all have a past of our own and they're all diferent and make us into who we are today. 

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