Annie Again

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Its been a few days since I've seen Howard. And in those few days I asked Annie to hang out with me again. This time, we were going to watch movies at her apartment. Annie told me her last roommate moved out, so it was just an empty place perfect to watch movies. Sienna offered to drive me, she wanted to see if Annie looked normal. I honestly have no idea how you can tell if someone is normal with just a mere glimpse. But hey, whatever floats Sienna's boat. Once we were at the complex, I told Sienna that there was no way she was waking in just to stare at Annie. After an entire debate, she finally drove off and I made my way into the building.

'3K.' I thought, guessing that her assistant was on the third floor. The three gave it away, obviously. I walked into the empty elevator, hut the three and waited until I was realised. And once on the third floor I searched for room K. I found it easily, and knocked on the door. Annie answered moment's later.

"Alexander!" she exclaimed, gesturing me to enter. I did. And the first thing I saw was the whole living room set up for a movie night. Flat screen, a giant canister of popcorn, blankets all on the floor with pillows. Anything a girl would have set up to watch movies with a few friends. How does she even have all this anyways? I'm not exactly sure she has a job. I took a seat on the couch across from the t.v., not exactly wanting to sit on the floor. Annie came over and sat on the couch as well.

"I have The Hunger Games or Wedding Crashers for the first movie. Your pick, Alexander." she informed me, pulling out the two movies. I haven't seen either of them, to be honest. I just pointed at the Wedding Crashers and hoped it wasn't a bad choice.

About half way into the movie, Annie and I talked for a bit. More about me then about her, but whatever. I just told her about me being diagnosed with depression, and now I've been living in my item apartment. Annie listened, understanding me.

"So you just live by yourself?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Nah, my caretaker has to be there for twelve hours. Everyone thinks I'm going to try to kill myself at some point. It gets annoying, because I won't. And they still think I will." I told her. "You know, it was avidly my caretakers idea to go to the club when I met you. She keeps wanting to get a glimpse at you and I have no idea why."

Annie's mouth formed an 'o' shape. "What's her name? Maybe I could talk to her sometime."

"Her names Sienna." I replied.

Annie's sea green eyes grow wide.

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